Texts in English

The rain

       Is there something more democratic than the rain? Or as democratic as it is? She can arrive slowly and sprays her tears on everybody. She can arrive heavily and disorganises the life of the rich and the poor, she destroys mansions or cottages.
        When she arrives, she doesn’t care if it is a beautifully decorated palace or if it is a poor house.
      The water goes into the holes and no power can stop it. She goes on obeying her will, her natural way to dominate everything, and she is the vengeance of nature, only recovering spaces that were stolen from her. Or her arriving is celebrated when she touches the dry ground, and falls down the houses, and makes life happier with people dancing in the streets.
        The rain announces herself, sometimes she is celebrated and desired, and sometimes she causes fear, she is terrifying, she doesn’t care if the eyes are looking at her.
     She arrives suddenly, like the summer rain making us a big surprise. Or people see her when she’s announced by light bolts and thunders, brightening in the sky.
        The rain overflows the rivers, and goes on in the streets, filling the cisterns and tanks, the dikes, and turns the sadness in health and welfare. She satiates our thirst, or she is a storm that affects rich, poor, white or black people, and forces everybody to look for protection at night.
        For the deserts, she is a rare thing, for the forests she’s abundance. She punishes with her rules the people who are destroying the environment. She blesses the ones who are walking on the sands and look at her as a treasure they found.
        The rain teaching is great to the plants that thank her, to the dry ground that will be renewed, to the tripper who fight against changing, because after the storm comes the peace.
        How many things the rain brings to us, and, whatever if she is a cloud full of water, or if after she comes the sun. How many things the rain brings to us, but, she’s only water dropping down from the sky.

Photo from: Photo by Nick Nice on Unsplash 


Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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