Texts in English

Old people’s behaviour

        In the world, some lies have been repeated all the time, or rather, people have been repeating them because the world doesn’t say lies. The world doesn’t bother our opinions, and it continues its trip on its own. The world spins like a ball, despite some people’s opinions who think it is a disc. In my imagination, I compare this supposed disc running across the universe when we are playing with dogs and we launch a disc in the air, and they go catch it. Maybe, we are being hunted across the universe right now by a special dog throughout the darkness. And our haunted moon, it’s always looking at us while other stars are laughing a lot at our destiny.
      But I am not speaking about these lies. I’m speaking about opinions forged by people who imagine knowing almost everything. And, of course, people have knowledge and behaviours according to their ages.
      When I was sixty, I was looking in the mirror and noted that my hairstyle was very conservative, and I remembered a time in the past when it was larger, revolutionary, over my shoulders and I was a happy guy.
      Time passed and my hair turned shorter to show people an image of a serious mature guy, and I wondered why I decided to adopt this style. When it was larger I could walk down the streets and feel it moving softly in the wind. The same wind when I felt this sensation of freedom.
       With time, there is an idea that women after a determined age have their hair cut, and they should no longer have their long hair. I wonder why? I questioned this because once I was waiting for my turn in a medical clinic and an old lady was waiting for her turn too. She was criticising my wife who had her hair longer than “normal”.
        Then, I thought when do we close the door of our youth forever? The door of my generation that loved Beatles and Rolling Stones. And now, a lot of former young people believe that our blue sphere is not spinning in the sky. What happened with us, especially this new reality when everything turned over? This strange behaviour emerged and established this belief that was born from where we don’t know.
        Do we get older or do we give up to keep younger?
        Of course, youth passes as everything. But why do we give up on it or why don’t we let it extend longer? Maybe on clothes, behaviours and thoughts because we don’t have to copy our parents, and don’t be a person who doesn’t represent us.
        The world is different, as well as the well-behaved lady’s world who’s perfectly connected with her elders.
      I guess the world is not different, it is here, always, in the same way. On the other hand, we are getting less smart, and we don’t know why. After sixty years old It’s time to go back to the beginning of our lives and start them again, but we have to have larger hair, that was a signal of revolution in the past. But it would be a revolution based on amusement, and not like serious people.

Photo from: Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash 


Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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