Texts in English


        There are words that mean greatness. One of them is generosity, a kind of feeling that I appreciate a lot. To be a generous person means creating a magical combination of mysticism and religiosity, and a high level of humanity. What is the best human relationship beyond the fraternity between people and nations?
      There is, however, a difference between generosity and goodness another supposed word that means greatness and a high level of humanity. People connect goodness with donations or not being a bad person, and not doing madness. But, to be a generous person is not just behaviour. It is beyond people who donate money or material goods. Generosity is connected with empathy.
        We can be generous people from different perspectives, including donations. When we donate things to help others and this action is beyond our financial and personal possibilities, for example. When we understand that we have enough goods for us. Then, to be generous people we need to establish in our minds the conscience of a limitation. When there is no more importance in earning more money to live we promote donations to others, not as an automatic movement but we are donating everything that we don’t need, really, including time.
         As I said before, generosity is connected with empathy. Some people have their limits and capacity to develop their lives, and we can help them in other ways. We don’t need to experience others’ lives because this is impossible. We can help them and at the same time, we don’t have to put them at a level of humiliation. Generosity is a connection with balance.
        On the other hand, when we try to expose our point of view to people that we want to help we have to use appropriate language, basically respect. We have to use a language more accessible to others.
       Some people use a kind of communication very complex, sometimes in an intentional way, and this is not generosity. We have to be generous people when we help and explain to people to clarify them and insert them into the world. A lot of time, we aren’t generous people with ourselves when we don’t understand that we need to search for more and more knowledge.
       To be a generous person is to take care of everybody without choosing who is. To be a nice or cool person, however, is similar to being a well-behaved and good listener, and doesn’t keep a social distance between us and others.
        To be a generous person is more difficult than being a good and nice person. To be a nice person is an attitude that can be disguised behind an expressive face and we have a different feeling inside us.
        Generosity is an action of detachment and renunciation, and total freedom to extend our hands to others. Generosity is not like helping people, and it is not, simply, exchanging good for evil. Generosity is spontaneity. To be a nice person seems like a predictable attitude because some people want to be nice to gain something. To be a generous person is completely different from being a selfish person, and this attitude is far from being a generous person.

Photo from: Foto de Elaine Casap na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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