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Willpower and age

        Nowadays, age is not based on years past. It is organized in levels after we create the third age and now the fourth age. The last expression is usually called by people the best age. In this case, there are divergences.
         These levels are a way to organize a kind of elderly empowerment. Maybe, some groups need to empower themselves to show people that they aren’t, simply, a forgotten minority. Then, old people gain a new point of view. And now they live no longer in clinics or stay at home telling old stories to kids but living their lives.
         Time goes on and there is a discussion that we have to keep in our minds, no matter what is our age level: willpower.
       Willpower is connected to dreams and to achieve an aim. This behaviour is a medicine for people to ignore the time and don’t bother about health problems that will arrive. Willpower is important to continue to live and never give up to achieve aims and dreams. Dreaming is necessary for everybody, it doesn’t matter the age level. If we lose our willpower or, simply, the ability to make things, age and its problems will start filling up our dreams.
         If a heavy cloud full of rain and lightening dives us into the darkness, willpower will be responsible to put us on course again and it will be the relief to fill our souls with hope.
        Willpower is a skill to define aims. Modern life and its obstacles and problems (it doesn’t matter the age) is a mechanism that grinds everything that we want to do. If we don’t pay attention to the other person’s problems to learn more, and we don’t try to overcome them it will be impossible to achieve our wishes. Life experience is observing the world working around us. Living an isolated life it will be possible that we’re creating artificial life and we won’t give our dreams a chance.
        Of course, we don’t have to forget specific situations that we can live like familiar tragedies and usual problems in our life. Everything is possible. There is no way to escape from our destiny or from something beyond our strengths. Though, willpower is the only weapon that we have to find a place to breathe. In this case, willpower is the skill to arrange the time to find that small place to think about our aims. It will be the best because it was built in the middle of personal problems and crises.
        This is not a formula to survive or find happiness. Willpower is a medicine that we can take without problems. This small place in our brains turns into a new way to solve our problems. It will convert into a clear and incontestable way of life if we close our eyes and think about the future, even if this place were located closer to or far from us.
         Willpower is a skill to fight and win, even if victories won’t be good enough to celebrate. The most important is the following: we have to celebrate the walking not the race finish ribbon.
        For many people, the fight can be lost but if we have someone to love or an aim to achieve the fight will be light. If a kiss is the connection between two people willpower is the connection between the distant dream and real life.
         For dreamers, dreams start inside themselves. For real dreamers, even if they lose the fight, obstacles won’t be enough to stop them.
         The conclusion is the following: even if we give up our dreams, they will continue coming to us and we will notice that they have never abandoned us.

Photo from: Foto de Ian Stauffer en Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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