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Where does the shot come from?

        How can we recognize good intentions in someone who offers help? For example, frauds always begin with good intentions. The strategy of opportunists is obtaining people’s trust and keeping these people closer to them in order to control their lives. People’s control is a process of seduction, a kind of manipulation of people’s feelings to persuade them to do things in their interests. Their strategies are searching for people or groups of people without self-esteem and goals in life. Or those who choose to live their lives in ignorance and prejudice because it’s very complicated to accept the reality that is not according to their thoughts.
        The hand that offers goodness is always over the hand that receives it. Because hands outstretched to others are trying to make them stronger. Then, frauds make success because opportunists sell things that others need or imagine they need. They are fake hands imitating goodness.
        The opportunists’ strategy selects people who experience a process of fragility in their lives. Heartbreaks, deceptions in general in life or people who experience or have been experiencing tragedies in their lives. These people are the perfect victims.
        There is no difference between opportunists and fake leaders, e. g. in churches, selling their ideas for supporting people who are experiencing bad moments in their lives. The fragility of some people can be their incapacity to understand life and the world where they live. These people have a particular view of life inside them, and they use these personal perspectives to imagine a world for themselves. Usually, fanatics and orphans are looking for a leader to follow because fanatics don’t want to put their ideas in check, and orphans haven’t got a past to celebrate. The obsession of opportunists and fake leaders is to prevent people from thinking for themselves.
        These fraudsters hide their bad intentions within trusted institutions because the majority of people has a good opinion about them. In general, these institutions are focused on turning the world into a better place to live.
        Opportunists and fake leaders hide their lives from people and they never show their lives or what they are. They always live within these institutions and talk to people about ideas and life concepts that they don’t believe. However, there are good and bad people who coexist within respectable institutions. Then, that hand that offers goodness to others has to be on a stage or on a superior level, like churches and uniforms, or in front of an audience.
        Those who approach others to make goodness and help them are important and necessary people, but not exactly there are always people who propagate the good.
        The hand that gives the good is soft and silent and it is cosy and affective. It is a safe port for people who are suffering or orphans of the world. Thus, we don’t know where the shot comes from and how it will hurt us because the hand that offers goodness can be the one that will charge the goodness that it gave us. To the hand of goodness, we will always be grateful. If it sets us free to keep walking on our own, maybe it can represent goodness. But if it is standing there to keep us under surveillance, our mind has to be alert to prevent dangers in the future.
        Giving goodness to people without looking at who are. It is a Christian and laudable act. But how many hands are stretched out to people in search of specific profiles? The evil disguises inside the good, because in goodness everything fits.
       When we reward ourselves, this action is an act of goodness that we make to ourselves. When the goodness is large we have to be alert because the danger is closer to us and sometimes it is closer than we imagine.

Photo from:  Foto de Irham Setyaki na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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