Texts in English

The story of an atheist

        He was an atheist because he hasn’t believed in a way to fix the problems of the world. Names like universal fraternity, community welfare, and even love the neighbour haven’t made sense for him. And he has said these things everywhere. Sometimes he went to the streets, during the winter night, to distribute clothes to homeless people who have been suffering with low temperatures. He got out coats to others or he found time to help the community prepare meals for poor people. Even though, he has gone on thinking the same because he hasn’t trusted anyone. Even if his group of friends decided to pray together he walked away from them.
         He went outdoors, throughout the streets and he was sad when he saw a lost dog walking aimlessly, and he wondered if he would have space in his home for someone else. And he imagined his dogs receiving the new friend.
         He celebrated people saying that God will send him to hell, and he answered, in this occasion, that it would be good news because he wouldn’t like to live with people who didn’t agree with him.
       Anyway, he didn’t like to comment things about God because if he criticized the Lord about these problems he would be in accord with His existence.
         Tears bloomed from his eyes, silently, when he found black people, poor people or abandoned children being kept away from places by security guards and officers. Once he decided to live together with these people to help them. And he has never accepted thanks in name of God because he was doing this moved by something inside him that he didn’t know.
        He told people that if God exists he could avoid injustices all over the world. And only the people’s actions are able to change the world. Then he did these actions to show others, with his example, that these things are possible.
         He got satisfied when he saw himself in the mirror, a hidden smile in his face about some action that had benefited someone. It was his moment of happiness and he felt well despite others, even though there wasn’t anybody close to him. For others, he has continued to be an incorrigible atheist, but he did the best that he could, as he told. For others, the existence of unhappiness was don’t have material goods. For him, unhappiness was the impossibility of helping more.
        In other times he helped people a lot, but not to change the world because the world goes on and it doesn’t care about people’s misery. Simply, nobody could make a difference.
        Nobody has believed in his good actions. People said that the one who doesn’t believe in God wouldn’t have good intentions for others.
       His life went on, and he has been following his own steps and he has made what his heart has ordered, and in God he didn’t believe, even though God was looking forward to him because He had been believing him.

Photo from: Photo by Joachim Pressl on Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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