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The good and the best

        There is a well-known quote about performance which is: “The best is the enemy of the good”. Based on this quote, we wonder: “What do we want to be in life?”. I believe that most people would like to be the best or to be exemplary and worthy of being followed by others, such as a leader. Some people would like to be such a leader.
         For some reason, in their brains, they understand reality concretely and coherently, according to their point of view. Are they intelligent and unusual people, or are they simply vain and not humble?
         When people on social media have followers, perhaps they imagine they are on top of the world, and they forget the team spirit. They seem to disseminate this idea of collectivity. In reality, they believe in their individualism. For people who live within a system, whatever it is, they may have value only when aligned with the system. On the other hand, if someone decides to try a challenging competition he has the opportunity to develop his skills better than others.
          Otherwise, if someone lives in a friendly environment, his capacity to survive is a fantasy or fiction because he cannot fully exercise his abilities.
         We are not exactly who we are if the environment is friendly. Possibly, if a specific situation allows us to feel protected, it would be nice. However, if we decide to move from our comfort zone, it could be dangerous. We demonstrate our real personality when confronted with adversities and competition. If everything is all right why must we change or move on from there? Or must we change? And if so, to benefit who? If people want to be the best within an uncomfortable place, they are not guaranteed that it will be good.
        The essence of humanity is surviving. Perfectionists tend to scorn humble people who understand their world and who seek a simple life. For people who don’t want to dominate things and who lack ambition, or for pragmatic people who are not concerned about being the best, their behaviour may be perceived by others as being losers.
          Humble people try to understand the limits of their abilities and pursue the good and not the best. They don’t try to be the best among others. They simply have a different vision of the world. From this perspective, we have to understand that we are not talking about people who suffer humiliation, but leaders of a group who don’t want to deal with situations
         Their ways of being do not mean they are losers. By contrast, losers are those who want to achieve a high level of knowledge where they can dominate but are unable to do so. In conclusion, we have to understand reality to survive in this world and nothing more. Ambition is a kind of love or passion, where greedy people want to dominate large physical spaces and minds. However, pure love is the ultimate essence of humanity because if we are loved we can safely challenge life.
          Furthermore, if we are loved we will be more positioned and dedicated to help the one we love. In return, this connection will make us safer and happier, thereby providing a safe port to grow. The lesson here is that we mustn’t overcome our limits, or be who others are, but to be perfect within our personal limits. Hence, in this manner, we can reach our dreams. In other words, when we try to overcome our limits in trying to be the best while copying the actions of others, we destroy our personal talents and become nothing.

Photo from: Foto de Jon Tyson na Unsplash


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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