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Situations that bother us

        There are situations that bother us, even though they don’t have connections with our life: a conversation beside us between two people about something. Then someone tells a bizarre story, based on a stupid theory, and tries to convince his partner that it is true. Well. I imagine that’s such a situation that bothers us, at least some of us. Perhaps, we think that the one, that believes in it, deserves an intervention but we must keep calm.
       You imagine when we are wasting time among people who are debating, on social media, and there are people only expressing their prejudices or they are bad stupid people provoking others because they are stupid or for fun. Ok, we must avoid them and not pay attention and stop discussing with them. But this situation bothers us.
        When we cross a zebra crossing on the street according to the traffic signal and a car stops over it: this situation bothers us. And this upset us if the driver has a defiant look and posts an adhesive on the glass of the car with these words: God is in charge. One bad driver bothers us, can you imagine two?
         Religion and policy are situations that mustn’t bother us. And there are people that do not feel nuisances. At the same time, there are people saying that God is in charge, but they have a gun at home. These paradoxes are situations that bother us when we think of them.
         Another nuisance is the lie. And, think about it: lies are on both sides as I mentioned before. How many issues do people say in name of something or someone to prove their arguments that we know are false? This situation bothers us. And it’s terrible if celebrities or almost celebrities can say things on TV or Internet about situations that they don’t have any idea about them, but they have exclusive access to these networks, and then it’s possible to say. But if we try to question them and it is not possible to do so we feel anguish. Well, this situation bothers us.
        Newspapers, enterprises, people that spare news based on biased questions: these situations bother us. Are they beside the truth? What kind of truth? Enterprises ask their employees to keep together like a team, but their employees are divided by salaries: hypocrites bother us. And this is a big nuisance.
In fact, we must waste our time with ourselves and ignore others that bother us.
        It’s like a story of a man who borrowed money from someone and he hadn’t got money to pay him, and told his dilemma to his friend. Then, his friend called the creditor and said to him that the debt won’t be paid. Well, now the problem will belong to the creditor.
       We can use this strategy to tackle situations that bother us. When we ignore what others are saying, specifically crazy things, our action is transferring our problems to others and we don’t bother with them.
        The best solution for nuisances that bother us is silence. Our silences disturb noisy people beyond the noise that make.

Photo from: Foto de Maria Teneva en Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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