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Simple things

        We are always looking for the formula to have a good life. People search in many books and consult experts about this subject to find the happiness door as a lost treasure. It exists, it’s anywhere then people want to know the route, the spiritual guru or one who goes ahead to explain them the steps to get it.
          We understand that we are free. Free to choose almost everything: to travel anywhere there exists a beautiful place to live or a love to embrace and live a happy end. We are free and at the same time we are prisoners before our limits whatever economic, physical and others. We are free and paralysed at the same time.
           What do we do?
          Maybe, we don’t have to stay in our place waiting for the world to open its door for us, but we have to consider it opened for us. We have to avoid criticizing the neighbour to display them our individual experiences as a model, trying to input our limits to people as they were bigger than they are to win in life. Of course, our individual experiences cannot be a model over the collective. First of all we have to respect the limits of others, for instance, people who live far away from developed places, physical limits, emotional situations and economic limits. We have to understand them.             On the other hand, we cannot imagine that ones who are ahead from us can be models for us – each one lives different experiences.
In society, we live our life avoiding dangerous situations. We create strategies, we are experts to avoid problems, dark streets, strange conversations with strange people who get closer to us. We walk in the streets paying attention around us, we are alert all the time. That’s our liberty.
        We are always avoiding the wonderful world ahead because we are always watching the danger. Some say that we must have only positive thoughts. This is the great trick to happiness. It’s enough only thinking positively and we will get it: happiness!
          We mustn’t avoid everything ahead. We don’t have to avoid love for our neighbour, for animals or sceneries which we feel and realize because they are our many other ways to love life.
        People who open their minds to the world, who love with intensity themselves, others, their spaces and stories get closer to happiness. And happiness is in simple things. A good mental health working out together with our life time, the secret.

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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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