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Our smiles

        Smiling is the best medicine. And if smiling is a medication, what kind of disease would a smile cure? I have always heard this phrase and I have never contested it. I imagine that smiles are medicine to make our problems lighter and there is a connection, in this situation, with the anguish of living.
        When we are crying, it seems like living in a particular hell, a lot of life problems and daily tragedies which we cannot solve and they hurt us. When we smile and we turn our heads up we open our mouths to laugh a lot, and experience to live far away from our problems. This level of happiness would be a way to reach heaven to become closer to the gods of joy.
        When we smile we don’t perceive, for a moment, the world around us. It’s like to go back in time to experience our childhood again and play with our favourite toy. And we can revive our memory line to bring back a life full of hope. Smiles would be a gateway to send us to another universe, where there are only good feelings and joy.
          Smiles are like drugs that absorb us and turn us into another person. Smiles are the balsams that we need to live our lives in peace.
         But we don’t smile only as someone tells us a joke or describes a comical situation. Smiling is like a solution for solving complicated problems and this solution guides us to another dimension. A dimension so close to geniality that we reach a level of satisfaction to imagine that this moment belongs only to us. This atmosphere of happiness arises when we surprise someone who is doing something very smart or we remember situations in the past that make us happier and comfortable.
        We surprise ourselves smiling at naught when our thoughts are full of joy and we feel that our imagination is alive; it seems like a good moment happening at that moment. We smile when we are recognized in the street by an old friend, or we believe that we find our soulmate walking beside us.
          We hide our smiles to not provoke problems. We keep them hidden to enjoy far away from others.
         We smile when our love goes away and we root that he comes back home victorious. We smile when he arrives and we are anxious and nervous and are exhibiting a delineated and big welcome smile in our faces. We smile a little if we are surprised making mistakes and only a shy smile can persuade another that the situation is not exactly what he is thinking, but…
       Otherwise, we give grim and ironic smiles when we peer at someone making mistakes and we surprise him. It is like making an affectionate admonishment and we demonstrate that we understand the action. Though, if one tries to repeat he will be in trouble and our smile can disappear.
           In conclusion, try to smile everywhere, at everybody, and also at yourself. No one will smile for you.

Photo from: Foto de Madison Oren na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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