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Our failures

        We have a lot of failures in our life. We remember a lot of them because they hurt us and gave us life experience or simply anger. Failures have a connection between love and hate. We fail for many reasons: when the universe is against us; the universe isn’t working according to our wishes; our attitudes towards life; pride; cowardice and many others. Our stubbornness to change the world according to our ideas. In moments when we are trying to be the owner of the reason and we don’t decide to be humble in some situations.
       All failures are opportunities to stand up and restart our way. And start our walking over another point of view. But we can believe in our strategies and don’t feel fear if we fail again. This is the proof of our perseverance. Something in the universe conspires against us, but, in reality, something in the universe wants to show us how to overcome the obstacle in front of us. The solution sometimes is facing us and our stubbornness disturbs our vision.
       It is an adventure the one who isn’t afraid of his failure. Even if he doesn’t know what there is ahead or on the other side of history; the unknown is a being that he has to tackle. Adventures are masters in failures at all times. Cautious can say that never fail but they won’t have the opportunity to stand up and show to the world their courage and conviction.
        Our convictions overcome obstacles even if there is a possibility of failure again because determination is blind; it doesn’t want to see what is happening beside it. Determinations only see the way ahead.
        We don’t have to lament when we fail because we always stand up to continue walking – the past is the past and the future is most important. It is the world that runs slowly like a goddess running to ask us to be reached.
      We learn from our failures and forget everything when we stand up. This unlearn is didactic. It is the eye that shines and the willpower to build things and it is the courage. We see the impossible obstacle to be overcome as a challenge. But it shows us that is necessary to keep walking. These are the possibilities that exist inside the hearts of adventurers and passionate people.
     We become enamored with our wishes and we fall in love of the beauty that surrounds us and we forget that wishes as well as beautiful things are there to be reached. Beautiful things exist to stimulate our failures. And our failures smile at us when we stand up to try to reach them.
      Strong people are those who see their wounds and cure them all the time until they convert into simple things and the next failure won’t be important.
       Weak and strong people fail all the time. Both stand up after their failures because it is impossible to stay there on the ground. The ground and the cold expel everybody. Weak people are afraid of walking and strong people keep walking because the next failure is expected.
       Don’t be proud if you have never failed because learning to stand up makes us stronger despite our pain.

Photo from: Foto de MJH SHIKDER na Unsplash


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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