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Love in confusing time

        Today, I have been thinking about reasons of anger like an illness because anger is not associated to a love triangle, in my opinion, but a society that cries out for justice each one in his own way. Each person, by the way, has his own opinion about it, then arbitrariness for one is injustice for others. We live in a time full of questions about our new reality.
       Maybe a modern couple living a life like Romeo and Juliet are not separated by concerned parents, about their ancestors or by prejudice and pride, but by ideologies. Nowadays, will it be possible to love someone who has different thoughts? Many countries are divided due to ideologies whatever religion, political or social relations. No longer, old friends don’t recognise their friendships. I wonder if it’s possible to live together with another who I knew in the past and now he thinks differently from me. Kissing others who think differently from us and reveal another way to deal with our social problems. Will it be possible to love someone who thinks in another way? How will it be possible to talk to one with whom we disagree? Will it be possible to divide life and social space, children in the middle of political parties and ideologies between couples?
        Now, we can imagine friends living far from us due to these problems and if we meet them in a party, those conversations in the past will be cold and hard and after that each one goes to their social space. But, during the day, in their jobs? Sharing hard comments through social media, divergences a lot, reading abject posts, the distance between them to live an impossible dialogue. And about the surprise if we discover old friends and childhood fellows sharing religious ideas, right-wing ideologies or using red banners supporters of left-wing ideas?
       And about lovers, living at the same home, crossing their looks at home, talking to their kids? How will it be possible to love someone in this difficult time? Will it be possible to leave the differences inside drawers and resentments inside wardrobes to embrace bodies to say lovely words between them?
       Will it be possible to share thoughts that were the same in the past, overcoming age, unusual thoughts getting closer hearts enough for what love sprouts and now they have a different point of view?
Is it possible to forget different thoughts to arrange love between people? How will it be possible to love another person who admires a detestable personality and another detests him at the same time?
        We are in a world looking for space for everyone, including ideologies that live in the darkness. And how can love survive in this confusing time, where people get angry in contact with different opinions? It is a hard task. What do we give up to put ideologies aside and don’t contaminate our hope to conquer another person? And after that, what do we have to do to hide our real thoughts for what love wins?
         Will it be possible to love people without this anger dividing us? Or maybe we have to love others but don’t follow them.

Photo from: Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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