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How were we happy before we met?

        Suddenly, this phrase came to my mind when I was thinking things while I heard the news on TV and the Internet about the war in Ukraine. This thought emerged when European journalists revealed their comments on the conflict happening in Europe. Some of them, in shock, considered it absurd and bizarre the war that was occurring in a civilised place, like Europe because in their minds, it is not a typical place for that. And, of course, the terrible comparison between Europe and Iraq, Afghanistan (a very closer country, include), and Africa.
        In the past, we imagined other people living in their countries enjoying an eccentric and different way of life. We knew people living in multiple cultures and we imagined them living in accord with poor information that we received through TV and other networks about game powers, traditions, beliefs, and other things.
        We travelled all over the world and we met other people, and we interpreted these differences and events according to our prejudices because, at first, we received information third hand.
       At that time, our world was divided between bad and good guys, unknown exotic people, and normal people, in accordance with our perspective on the world, or where we lived. They were people from a forgotten world and fighting with each other. Then a supposedly civilised people, in general, ignored them, and about what was happening there, in fact. Ignorance made us happy. For Brazilian people, their country was the land where everybody was accepted, crowded with lovely friendly people, and others. And we believed in it.
        Time is changing and we don’t. Nowadays, we are what we really are, here or anywhere. Some people are rebels and warriors or can be winners or losers because if we fight against someone stronger and he has friends among ambitious people, we will fight a losing battle. When we read the news in newspapers or on the internet, it’s easier to believe that everything is a big lie and will have a great probability we are sure.
      Now we know ourselves because on social media we see a lot of profiles and they show what we are. We are conservative, as some say, but they haven’t got any idea about it. We are progressive, as they say, and they mix a lot of considerations where there are no connections among them. Some of them spare supposed persecution to attract people’s attention, and share fake news, in a battle of accusations. Information is false, speeches are incorrect and we wonder where the truth is.
        Before, we were happy because we believed in the future, and then all of our problems would be solved and we would cross times of turbulence and everything would be suitable.
We were happy because we were waiting for a miracle. And now we finally meet.
        Will it be possible to be happy even knowing the truth? If we know the truth, will we be unhappy because the dream is over?
      We and the world live a monotonous wedding because we don’t have the courage to end it. Like a couple who lives together, makes plans and arrives in the future, and realizes that it’s impossible to live together. And they must live this journey until one of them or both die. Or they can try to survive among threats and living tragedies.
       A lot of people like to speak about the past. Like me. But the great question is: Would we make different things or will we try to be the same? Will we use new strategies to submit our will to the world?
        Really, it’s not possible to be happy when partners know each other.

Photo from: Photo de kevin turcios sur Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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