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Happy endings

        The end, C’est fini, Fin, Fim. At the end of movies, novels and tales these words mean the end of scripts which keep us distressed for minutes or hours. They appear when lovers finally meet and they kiss and embrace after a long battle looking for each other because they have just lived an adventure that seemed to fail. Or when Chaplin is walking toward the sunset with his funny feet and his body shaking. And when the lonely warrior finally decides his destiny in the last duel against the bad guy.
      Happy endings don’t finish in these words. Cinderella and White Snow meet their Charming Prince and a long kiss doesn’t mean that their problems are over. For us, the readers, it’s OK, but for them life goes on. and because of this, happy endings don’t finish like “The end”: the journey will still go on.
       Happy endings may mean that the journey will begin and not when someone finds his so-called perfect partner, and it will be a perfect “The end”. If someone comes up with a plan about a perfect life or tries to correct his mistakes, he will have a happy ending for all or for himself.
       Being lonely and living alone can be an unhappy ending for bad guys, but it can be a happy ending for those who have lived a hard life and finally find the peace which they have looked for in a perfect partner that they always had inside themselves. Or if we find a job that fills us with hopes and it is a good motivation to continue living, at least in this new place we will find our happy ending.
     Happy endings can be when we tell a secret that we have kept hidden for a long time, that covered us with a cloak of unhappiness. Or maybe when we quit the job that we hate and we go away looking for our dreams.
      Happy endings don’t mean the final moment, but they can be the beginning of something, to find our capacity for executing the projects that we have always wished for, and because of obstacles in our life or fear we left them behind. Happy endings are made by decisions which may change our life, like studying what we want and we don’t care if they are useful or not.
     Happy endings look at the mirror and smile because we are in peace. Happy endings wake up every morning, and we are sure that there isn’t anything to solve, to decide, to discover. We are alive to do a lot of good things at that day, working for the next to be better.
       Happy endings find the truth and won’t think if we are always right, but always ready to reveal our knowledge about the world. Happy endings are essential to prove that we are humans and nothing else can change this. Then, don’t be the bad guy of your feelings, and finally, don’t let the bad guy wins the sunrise duel.

Photo from Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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