If we donate a little of our time to someone, there won’t be vestiges of our actions or donations if we do this from the bottom of our hearts. It’s like to give something to people and our donations become invisible for all, and at the same time those who receive them bounce back. Vestiges are sometimes important to those who donate material things or perform positive actions to be eternalized; some people donate waiting for rewards.
We cannot say whether these donations are genuine or false because there is a tenuous border between them that touches and gets confused and clearly are similar. People who donate and don’t expect rewards, or wait for rewards, have the same look.
For those who are in need, donations are welcome and they don’t care if there is sincerity in the eyes of their donors. We can say that some benefactors behave like this due to believing that will be rewarded in the future: in an encounter with eternity, for instance. It’s difficult to identify a dose of demagoguery in these actions. But who would be the demagogue? Everyone can make their own judgment.
Donations involve giving something from us to others. This action represents loving your neighbour, or if there is no reward from God, it will be compensation that donors feel in their souls. Positive actions made by good people are the same as those made by bad people. Life is a messy and feelings are as well. We experience the paradox between living alone and living together.
We meet people who call themselves as religious people and advocate a kind of hard and rigid way of life to others. At the same time, they propagate these behaviours as their own. In these moments, we have to wonder if there is sincerity in their words, and how can we define this feeling. The thoughts of these people are illogical when they try to suffocate different ideas and try to seem like good people through their donations. Is there a frontier between these behaviours?
Those who give flowers to someone perfume their hands, and donations perfume the donor’s hands. On the other hand, there are perfumes with different smells in the donors’ hands.
When we donate the best of ourselves to someone, are we giving off a little of our perfume or a fake perfume to deceive others? Donations are acts of love, and love is fugacious like the fleeting scent of flowers. Donations can be spontaneous acts towards others or a passion that comes from the depths of our souls. Or donations come up during special events of the year such as Christmas.
So, donations spray perfumes, but what about their smells?
Origem da foto: Foto de Diego PH na Unsplash
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