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Do we have to forget?

        The best things in life we don’t forget them. And the worst things as well. Forgetting is not an art. Forgetting is a fantasy. Why don’t we have to forget the best moments in life, and, at the same time, we have to forget bad moments? Mainly those bad moments when we were humiliated and we felt like the last human being on Earth.
       Memories are edit bays, as said a Brazilian poet. When we play with our memories, their characters and their colours, and places that we visited, everything changes. And we imagine bad moments can be new moments and can fit them into our thoughts. And we put words in mouths that they never said them, in real life.
        Bad memories could have edit bays to make them not so bad. But, this is possible! A bad job would give us lessons for the future, and we would choose what we want or not. If we said a bad word in a wrong moment in the past we would modify it and won’t say it in the future. We will say it at the right time and at the wrong time. We would throw it in the trash because memories are edit-bays to teach us to live.
        If we experienced a toxic love in a moment in our life, and it marked us, and we want to forget it, we can edit it if we compare bad moments to good moments. Then, no frustration and no regrets in life because forgetting is not going back in time to try to live situations again that are not possible to become. It is not possible to fix broken relationships both professional or loving. It’s denying the reality and someone will be guilty.
         The most important thing is not forgetting. Forgetting is making the same mistakes. No. Forgetting is bad, and remembering is good. If our memories are toxic, we have just to remember that they are toxic and we won’t repeat them. We call these situations life experiences and they make our hands rough and cold blood to fight against our weaknesses.
         Maturity is not forgetting and not repeating our mistakes. If we insist on them, this is immaturity. Keep walking is not forgetting, this strategy helps us to go ahead.
        We experience good and bad moments in life. These moments turn us into strong people and help us to grow. We experience loneliness all the time. If we had a good life and now we don’t have problems in life, our memories don’t have to come back to disturb us. We have to think if these moments bring us sadness or anguishes to remember things that we didn’t like. If we have good memories is because we had a good life. There is no reason for people who experienced bad experiences in the past to remember their memories. But, in this case, these people don’t have to forget them because they learnt lessons to teach their sons.

Photo from: Foto de Everton Vila na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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