Among kisses and hugs
The space of a hug is bigger than a kiss. The hug is similar to a whole world, and the kiss, oh! The kiss is only an encounter of skin on faces, it’s formal, and careful because it respects the distance between people but not in the hug. The hug is democratic, it can happen in lovers, in friends, but the kiss is reserved. It was a kiss that pointed to the Lord and after that all together embraced him.
The hug inspires confidence because it’s an encounter of bodies. For it, there aren’t problems of genres, and it is present in all people, normally among applauses, smiles, and friendly words, but not in kisses. The kiss doesn’t define celebrations and the hug is most generous.
Players and athletes celebrate goals, embracing each other because hugs mean union, unity, and the feeling of a team. The hug exists when two friends meet, and they express joy after a long time separated. The hug is a universe involving bodies. It is in familiar encounters and it is a way to celebrate new partners.
Maybe, if instead of governments shaking hands they choose hugs then there wouldn’t be wars and conflicts. They could build alliances to demonstrate to their partners that in hugs there is no shame, skin colour, and genres to live in peace.
Lovers in moments of affection embrace each other more times than they kiss. The hug supports our problems and helps us in bad moments because the hug receives our laments. It is in the celebrations of victories more than in greetings. The hug is affection like the parent’s protection when they receive their lost son who is back. And the son finally is reconnected with them because he knows all the answers he was looking for in the world.
Grandsons dive in grandfather’s and grandmother’s hugs, and their small heads enjoy the moment. Among these hugs, they hide their heads after their mischief.
Hugs are in arrivals and departures as they are capable of joining places separated and now they meet after a long time.
There are hugs that we see from far away, and we embrace our own bodies and at the same time someone over there repeats it and both feel comfortable.
Photo from: Photo de Priscilla Du Preez sur Unsplash
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