Wings for what?
Why do we ask for wings if we haven’t the courage to fight against the wind and the rain which run free in the field? If we desire wings to fly if we haven’t the courage to go to a place where our feet cannot touch the ground. Or why do we desire wings to fly if we are so insecure due to the stones of the life road that scares us?
Wings are for a few people. Wings are for those who can fly easy rider, and aren’t afraid of adversities. Adversities come from fate, this unknown being without colour and fingerprint. Therefore fate is an endless place and adversities as well. To fly is important to look at the infinity of the sky, looking further than we think.
There is always a cost to fly. Some men have wings and they are so large and so full of images that angels, those winged beings, obviously, fear for them. And angels follow them and will try to protect them because these men don’t know how to fly like an angel. They are human beings ready to make a revolution in the universe where they live.
These wings are weapons of imagination to fly further. To places where others have never gone before. But, some of them hide their wings and work in silence for a future where everyone will have wings as well.
It is necessary to disconnect the ties that keep our feet on the ground to fly with no special place to land. And we should bear in mind that feet let marks, wings don’t.
Flying is looking at life’s labyrinth from the sky, seeing mankind fighting against invisible walls and arguing about useless things. The one who flies doesn’t have the patience to watch these eternal fools walking all over the world. Some of these fools are always pointing out the same way to live and others follow them to make the same mistakes, all the time.
If someone rises up using wings he will fly above cities and he will be seen by people on the ground as a strange being. He will be followed, admired and everyone will attempt to find out his secret. He will be a rare bird flying through the sky and then people around the world will look for his hiding place. Even if these birds lived on top of mountains they would be reached one day.
– If you were like them would you fly?
Thoughts are similar to bodies that want to fly. Thoughts live in the imagination of a few. People who have these thoughts admire the beauty of the sky. They look at this beauty from the Earth and they are waiting for these human angels.
If poets living without wings get free with their writing full of wings to move and shake the imprisoned thoughts inside them, what would it happen with those who had wings, really, and one day fly?
Photo from: Foto de Ludovica Dri en Unsplash
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