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        Knowing the world is similar to opening windows. And, what does this mean? Windows are opened doors toward the future. From windows we can see the world and enjoy it or we can see it through the curtains of windows when the wind blows them. Through windows thieves go into houses looking for money and goods. At the same time, from windows someone jumps because his hope was stolen and he doesn’t get to learn more in the school of life.
       Writers write their stories looking at an unknown and imaginary window where their characters work and leave the imagination flowing. When the imagination abandons them and their minds close to the world, it’s like windows that give up searching and close as well.
       Our eyes are windows of our souls trying to understand the world. The soothsayer tries to decode the future using the light of day that is coming through windows to illuminate his crystal ball.
        From her window, Rapunzel threw her long hair to her lover, and in the middle of the night Romeo threw stones to wake up Juliet. From windows we can see Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, the city and its contradictions. From indiscreet windows lovers exchange secret signs to schedule meetings. And furtive glances find out others like them, or they enjoy the intimacies of their neighbours. When windows are closed, lovers finally can love a lot and bad guys can organize their scams.
       In farms, around the silent fields, windows are open to receive the light of day and to feel the smell of nature. In the cities they are involved by bars like cages to imprison freedom. In prisons, inmates see the world in pieces.
       From windows people celebrate the New Year that is coming, throwing pieces of paper, or celebrating the heroes who are coming back home after wars. People can celebrate democracy when it’s back or throw objects to hurt its enemies to defend it. They can support shoulders to guns to fight for victories or plan attacks.
      In farewells, windows are full of hands wishing good luck and a new life of happiness. On arrival, they are the travellers’ first vision and they feel, finally, that they are at home.
Windows are identities of homes, the nest of lovers with red flowers to decorate them. They are the first furniture of a cottage when people cross the door. They mean for them that piece of ground belongs to them, and from that trench they are stronger and put their elbows on them to support faces full of hope.
When life closes the doors of opportunities, hope, and battles, God opens windows to create new alternatives.
From windows rude people throw their garbage, and the blue light of TVs indicates that there are people and life inside the house. From windows, people look upon the sky when they get bad news, and ask heaven for a little consolation. From windows the smoke of a fire burns and someone asks for help.
Speaking of windows all the time is an obsession. Windows to the homes are freedom, instead of they are loneliness.

Photo from: Foto de Rob Wingate na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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