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The smarts and the fools

        Who is controlling the world? Is it smart people or foolish people? We might consider this topic relevant if the world were divided between these two groups. On the other hand, some people would argue that the world is divided between strong and weak people as well. So, where do you stand in this context? Are you smart, a fool, strong, or weak?
       Others would say they don’t belong to any category. They consider themselves travellers in life and have come to this world to enjoy it without caring about the future. It’s like getting off a train at an unknown station and having no idea about the origin or the destination of the train.
        If we are in a random city we experience a confrontation with the unknown. We will try to survive and, at the same time, imagine being smart or pretending to be a fool without being strong or weak. In this context, each point of view is absurd.
        Smarts sell fools the idea that failures are only events connected with the universe. For losers or weak people, it is enough to believe there is a reward at the end of life’s journey. So, smarts sell losers and fools this supposed reward and the world is divided among them.
        Ultimately, the one who seems like a fool or a weak person might be stronger and smarter.
       Those who enjoy a good life or get off the train in a city with a good future, naturally want to live this life ever and sell an unlikely future to weak people. These people turn this future into a belief because they tend to follow winners. It’s like a group of losers agreeing to suffer because they believe in a reward in the future or another life. Smarts argue that it’s impossible to gain a reward without sacrifice. Thus, weak people will argue if there is equality for all, why couldn’t they experience this life right now? Smart people might respond again that rewards are connected to sacrifices.
      So, humanity continues to be deceived until the final judgment, of course, is the judgment of weak people. Fools imagine they are smart because they wait for the rewards smart people promise them.
      A Congressman, in Brasil, said that communists promise heaven on Earth, and argued that this promise is impossible to achieve. Of course, the Congressman’s behaviour reveals his religious bias.
      Is it possible to create heaven on Earth? What kind of heaven? Everybody would be a god or goddess, the ones who sold this possibility would have to admit it’s time to stop talking.
     Would fools believe in this possibility? Yes, fools believe in anything because they believe they will become rich even though this possibility is highly improbable. By the way, if money and wealth remain the same, how would it be possible to become rich?
      The battle between smarts and fools is not a matter of expertise or foolishness. Fools imagine themselves experts because they wait for the final revenge. Smart people are sure that this revenge is real, though they imagine they are smarter to win this battle. Some fools, by the way, believe in religious leaders who claim to be God’s messengers. Fools sustain smart people living in heaven on Earth because foolish people believe there is something beyond this life. Meanwhile, the world remains divided between smarts and fools. The first are living in paradise and the second in hell waiting for paradise.

Photo from: Foto de Ryoji Iwata na Unsplash


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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