Texts in English

The reverse doors of Paradise

       Do you know when we read something and we don’t know from where it comes? Well, I remember that someone said that studies are skills to open the doors of Paradise. In the beginning, this warning was like fresh air because if I study I could open these doors and I will know everything. It seems like I find the Lord and finally I would be a wise man, and I could know all answers about life.
        Then, I realised that this guy didn’t know anything about the door he was speaking of. It would be a gateway or exit through the back door.
        When Adam went outdoors from Paradise, Gabriel, the angel, showed the world machine working and his actions would be to return to it. Adam ate the fruit of the knowledge tree and he was kicked out from Paradise together with his wife. Then we discover that studies, knowledge, and reflections would open the Paradise’s door to find on the other side a different place to live.
        Morpheus, the character wearing dark glasses in Matrix, showed Neo, the other character, the red pill or the blue pill: a hard choice.
       Studying is opening the doors to Hell, where we will have to lead with cultural structures, our personal problems, and our anguishes looking for the truth. And the truth is hard, terrible, and complicated.
       Personal judgment about things is easier than thinking, elaborating, and going through our mistakes and contradictions. We can ignore the knowledge and we can ignore things that wise men told us, and make decisions in the midst of altercations and conflicts. It’s complicated when we are out of our comfort zone. It’s complicated when we try to be politically correct and we must accept the rights of thirds, and disagree with our beliefs.
       There is a way, a drug, to avoid this conflict. When we are distant from the real world and we follow something like religion, for example. Or we adopt speeches from another person who gives us his words and his narrative to fill our internal void: a blue pill that we use to take for living our calm comfortable life.
       But, what is leaning? Basically, it could be the art of information we catch, then it would be when we watch events alive or make contact with someone who witnessed them. Trying to find the meaning of the news in newspapers, and what’s going on beyond them. Otherwise, if we accept the news as it comes from it will turn our mind into lazy person.
        If we trust in others’ opinions we will live in a Z world.
       People think that they waste time if they are reading elaborated texts. Learning is creating conflict between truth and our beliefs. The blue pill is a kind of Viagra that lasts a little time. Life is feeling a minimum pleasure and living for this. When we block others on social media who think in a different way, our disagreements are closing doors to them. Then, we will live in our comfort zone because it’s easier to reproduce the speech and narrative from others instead of tackling our contradictions.
        It’s hard to open a door when we know what is on the other side. There are conflicts and contradictions, and we will have to lead with questions, not answers.

Photo from: Foto de runnyrem en Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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