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The price of dreams

        If we clearly imagine reality, we can conclude that there is a price to dreaming. Optimists, as well as sellers of dreams, life projects, and illusionists, suggest that there is no harm in dreaming. They take advantage of this idea of paradise to sell people an alternative life. In summary, they say it’s enough for people to dream and desire it.
        In fact, reality is not that simple. Dreams have a cost. Dreaming means abandoning the commonplace and searching for the incredible. It’s not about following the crowd or doing what everyone else does to seek the same things. It’s like living in a world where life is defined for everyone, even if that life is different from the one we wish for.
        How many dreams have been aborted because we have to choose between a desired career or a way to earn money for a comfortable life? It’s possible to say that dreams can be bought for a nice monthly salary.
       We can buy material dreams and goods, but they cannot satisfy our lives. True dreams make us wake up and sleep in peace. In the mornings, when we go outdoors to do what we love, we satisfy our souls. At night, there is a sensation of sleeping with our minds at peace, with a smile on our faces, knowing that the following morning we will do more.
       There is a price if we abandon our dreams or try to pursue them. Dreams are untouchable clouds, and some of them are impossible to achieve. In fact, pursuing dreams is a daily task and not an end in itself.
      Dreamers aren’t owners of their destiny. Dreamers are solitary people because they don’t share their goals with others. If dreamers tell their dreams to others, they can see prejudices and jealousy on their faces. These people may consider dreams a bad choice, perhaps these dreams are distant from their realities and capabilities.
      There is a price to dreaming. Dreams are expensive and irrational moments to dreamers, and they have no logic or connection to reality for others. We have only one life to live and must consider if it is worth pursuing our dreams. Dreams can be pits of sadness and daydreams; they are like mermaids calling us to go into a storm on an unknown sea.
      All dreams have a cost. What’s the price of dreams? How much does it cost to achieve them? Dreams are obstacles in the paths of stubborn people and a habit of adventurers. Dreams are eternal ambitions of people, and their cost is not important to some of them.
       How much does it cost to move forward toward dreams? How much does it cost to reach them if they retreat a step or two more?

Photo from: Foto de Paulina Herpel na Unsplash


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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