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The one who practices silence

        Silence is the best formula to live. Silence is not, simply, disconnecting from the world. It exists, above all, to connect us with another reality. This unreality is in a world where our dreams run free to imagine projects and wishes, without the turbulences that our real world produces.
        Silence is disconnecting from artificial things. A strategy to find solutions for our problems. We cannot find solutions away from the clouds where our silences are. There, we can expand our horizons and our thoughts run free and we can dominate our spiritual life.
        There is no magic to solve all problems. We feel anguish all the time because it’s a human action. The anguish is a place where we put our life experiences and all things that we lived. It’s the sum of these things. And, in the end, we realize that there aren’t solutions to all problems. This is the anguish.
        Then, we have to keep ourselves in silence to try to understand the anguish and know how to lead with it. Eternal anguish doesn’t exist away from us because it’s inside us and we have to learn to live with it. This process is part of our humanity.
       Some people have anguish because they made mistakes during their life. Sometimes there is a simple solution for our problems when we blame others or happenings as obstacles for our wishes. There aren’t culprits and we cannot blame ourselves if we make evil to ourselves. There is no silence to cure it.
       In his silence, the one who practices silence lives the life experience before a decision. He is wise. He thinks, waits for the moment and he doesn’t feel like a coward or something like that. Thinking is a key to live in silence and this void can bring us to the future. We measure the consequences of what we will decide.
        Many people are afraid of silent people. However, silent people haven’t been saying or doing anything. The silent people use this distance as the best way against people who want to address them toward strange paths and easy shortcuts.
       Silence is an internal “no” that we feel in our quietude and calm. The ones who scream need to live among the noise that they produce. That’s the only way that they use to avoid the silence runs.
        Silence is hanging the answer in the air and not to say it. It’s like a spiritual distance, beyond the physical distance. It’s the disconnection, it’s the manipulation of the false power of others.
        Happy people are those who practice silence. If they are wise or not it is not important. But silent ones scare people not because they will speak their thoughts, in other hands because of the things that they don’t speak about. When the silent ones speak that’s the moment when the owners of the truth start to make questions about themselves.

Photo from: Foto de Kristina Flour en Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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