Texts in English

The mirror and us

        Nothing is as cruel as a mirror facing us. At the same time, how it can make us feel vain. For this reason, we can also say that we are the unique and special beings on this planet. But our real images are hidden behind our vanities. We are a kind of egocentric people who see the world like owners, and we don’t see ourselves as inhabitants of this planet. We see ourselves in the mirrors, and we see a person that we would like to be. Then, when we go outdoors to meet someone or a world we forge a friendly image of ourselves, and the mirrors are our partners to build this image.
      The mirror is the contradiction of our souls. We are what we see in the mirror, and not what we really are. And nothing is more real and terrible, and revealing as we see ourselves with problems and imperfections. And these problems and imperfections make us different from beauty trends celebrated and praised by people.
        The mirror becomes a symbol of slavery and is similar to the mirror of social media that enslaves us. To the mirrors we are smiling a lot but, in fact, we are hidden and smiling at anonymity, and showing only our positive and happy sides. And we are hiding from the world what we really are.
      It would be so good to leave in the mirror our defects and imperfections! An agreement that was similar to Dorian Gray’s agreement who left in the mirror his old age, defects, and imperfections to live forever young.
        Furthermore, the mirror is a narrative that it will be fixed ad eternun, every time we are in front of it, however, It gets older together. Not the mirror, though the image that it reflects. Accepting the time is hard, and we wish for being eternal like mirrors. But they also get older through time except those rare and expensive mirrors that adorn palaces and castles.
      How do we get older after living and taking risks to keep an eternal youth using medications, making up our bodies, choosing clothes, and artificial smiles? How would it be to wait for the future to be a slave of vanity?
       The mirror reflects the truth about what we are or what we intend to be through it. It’s like an associate that is helping us to find eternal youth.
       Beauty is slavery and has also an expiration time. Then, some people value their internal beauties that nobody recognizes, and the mirrors of our souls are the only witnesses of our anguish.
       Pursuing what’s beautiful is slavery and looking for a specific beauty that belongs to others is the worst slavery. And the mirror is the partner in this stupid adventure.
     When we are young, the mirrors are our best friends. We face and see ourselves in them to correct our defects and imperfections to improve the youth, a natural perfection that cannot be improved. The youth is life-running. And we mustn’t have the things that belong to others and mustn’t obey what the mirrors ask us. The best freedom is being ourselves and not needing to say or prove things to anyone.
       And, when we are smiling at the mirror we don’t have to please someone. We have to smile at the mirror when it shows us what we really are.
      When the sun faces the mirror it is opaque and lifeless. It is a paralysed being, and cannot say to us what we have to be.

Photo from: Foto de Milada Vigerova na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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