Texts in English

Our things

       Why does it seem the others’ things are more valuable than our things? What do you feel when you see your friends, known people, unknown people or celebrities show their goods and success on social media? Do you envy them because they have a lot of goods? Can you imagine that you would get the same, one day, who knows by lottery game, on a lucky day and after that you would go to social media to be another Influencer or something like that? If you don’t get to change your existence you will be the same, a simple and common person.
         Is envy a good thing? Can you learn a positive lesson from envy and follow it like a model, a mentor?
         In resume, we wonder if a happy and well-done experience can be repeated and if we follow it will we reach the same level?
         First of all, we have to imagine what do our things mean? What have we inside us to our satisfaction? Are our life projects possible, practical and can we reach them?
        Our things are closer to our possibilities and limitations than other things. Then we have to think if we copy others we will have real possibilities to reach an aim. The others’ happiness doesn’t have to be our happiness. The others’ happiness doesn’t need to be our aim, our rule of life.
       The question is knowing if our spiritual peace (I don’t call it happiness) is to be a rich person and has a lot of money or does it become an aim for living in peace, however this way of life means anonymity as a condition to lead the relationship by social media. In the end, do we want to live our happiness or do we want to copy others’ happiness? If our things are “our” things, they have to be the reasons to bring us spiritual peace.
        Of course, this anonymity causes frustration, for some people, when they watch others being happy, or supposedly happy, and some people wonder why these things don’t happen to them.
       Some people sell happiness and become everything in a game to take out others from their real destiny. The one who sells a path, sells his walking full of success for showing a way to earn money to others, in reality they chase their real aim: to be richer and richer using unwary ambitious people. But, how many people get poor trying to follow this path?
        How many life projects and things are based on things that others get. If we follow them we aren’t the same, we are another person.
        Being a wise smart guy is not only showing our things on social media. It is building his own life project, having an aim and putting his things on this path, his path. Our little victories are our victories and we don’t have to put them on an inferior shelf. Of course, we wish a better and quiet life and find a path to fit our things.
        Envy is not good for us, admiration is, and if the cause of our admiration will be possible for us.
        If our things don’t fit in our pocket, we have to put in it the things that we like.

Photo from: Foto de Jeff Sheldon en Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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