Not every girl wants to be a ballerina
Sometimes, or many times, she only wants to play soccer or kites, and the boy wants to be an alpinist. Some of them want to be a cooker, dressmaker or want to be, simply, an artist.
Nobody wants to accept a predictable future. Girls would like to go away by the world, and not to turn into a tourist attraction for your parents’ friends, feeling proud of their smart girls. Boys arriving home with dirty faces after a fight or a game, like trophies of their mothers who think that’s men’s stuff, maybe they would like to be another thing.
In our life, we haven’t to be what another person wants. We are not the desires of our parents, uncles, aunts, friends, or neighbors. Then, everyone can be a doctor, an engineer, or perhaps a son would like to live in peace in his home and a daughter would like to be an adventurer.
Does a woman must live in home, inside a box, and does the man must go away looking for an adventure? Must a woman keep her feet on the ground and not jumps and turns into a ballerina? Must a man keep his fast feet stopped in his house to protect it?
Not everyone wants to accept the predictable project idealized by their families. Not everyone wants to accept the father’s big project because they would do it by themselves and enjoy it. Not even if the woman wants to accept be a perfect mother in the future. She could want it, but maybe she would like to look for another way to make new projects.
Not every woman wants to be a dancer only thinking in her body or in the dance, but it’s going to jump all over the world, looking for a dream. Not every man wants to be an adventurer, but only sitting in a corner and see the world passing in front of him, doesn’t care where it goes.
Not every predictable future is good for anyone because the big mystery of the life is to be unlikely. We like to speak about freedom, until we meet someone, really, free.
Knowing freedom, maybe the dancer returns back to her home, bringing lots of dance inside her. Not every alpinist returns back to find new mountains, trying to touch the sky, but climbering the scales of a song, using notes that he finds there.
Not everyone wants to live the projects of another person. Not everyone wants to live, exactly, what other person choose for them. Not everyone does things defined for him or her, but, perhaps, does things in a different way. Ballerinas are conducted by the dance, who lives inside her, or alpinists arrive on top of a mountain without get out of his place.
Photo from: Photo by Naitian(Tony) Wang on Unsplash
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