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No longer

        “No longer” sounds to us beyond our comprehension, and it depends on the circumstances when we suggest saying it. If we say “I no longer want to see you again” can mean there is a space to review this option. It seems like when kids disagree with them, and they decide to break down their friendship. We know that this situation is not forever. It is not forever because this deal can be undone the next day, after apologizes or if a toy joins them they will be friends again.
       “No longer” brings us a terrible meaning, and it is similar to “never more”. I’m talking about this “more”, and it reinforces that “never”. This expression sounds eternity and means that we don’t want to see someone or a specific situation again. Furthermore, we won’t talk more to someone or about something, and we will erase it, him, or her from our minds. In this case, this “never more” means a sense of abandonment, to show someone our back, and we decide “never more” to see his eyes or face. And we will never touch him again. It can be a person or a place that we decide to erase from our memories. As if this person or place had never existed in our lives.
         “No longer” is bad for speakers and it is bad for listeners as well. For those who notify someone this decision is a disappointment to demonstrate that the confidence is over, and there is no point of return. For those who listen to the news, it can be a surprise, something is unexpected. If we are speaking about breaking love it means that it is not possible to tie it again. And the time will be responsible for finding the cure for it. Furthermore, when someone receives the news it is possible that the one can feel guilty.
         But, there is the “never more” about someone who is disappeared.
         – Have you got news about that person?
         – No, I’ve never seen him or her.
       But, this “never” keeps a signal of hope to reconnect situations. Never has a negative charge, including people or situations without having farewell. This “never” means a good signal to say “What did it happen to him or her?
        We use this “never” about mistakes that we promise no longer to make them again. This “never” can be a lesson, something to add to our life experience. This “never” works like an addiction to our lives, and we will always remember it if we will experience the same situation in the future, and we can say to us:
         – I will never or no longer make the same mistakes again.
        “Never” or “no longer” can be angry or a promise. But, when we get older and our future seems smaller, “never” and “no longer” become in reality when we say to us that our time passed, and these expressions become memories spinning in the past.
       The best lesson about “never” and “no longer” works since we were born and grow up in life and we try to keep them far from us. We have to enjoy every glorious moment of our life. We have to do things with intensity because when this “never” happens, we can say:
        – I have done many things in my life, a lot of time, and I can say that I won’t ever or no longer forget them.

Photo from: Foto de WantTo Create na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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