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My favourite sin

         In “The devil’s advocate”, starring Al Pacino as the Devil the character describes his favourite sin: vanity. I don’t know if this sin is his favourite sin. I believe that he likes all of them, and vanity would be a very interesting choice.
     Now, we are experiencing hard discussions through social media, and we can find a lot of irrational posts dominating it. The majority of these situations are provoked by people who decide to question behaviours and opinions of others. Because of this, I would like to choose my favourite sin: hypocrisy.
          Hypocrisy is the ability of some people to act as if they are sincere and genuine when they aren’t.
      For me, hypocrisy is a terrible and abominable behaviour. At the same time I can see it like a fascinating behaviour. I imagine this personality as someone who is looking upon a landscape but, in reality, is looking at naught. As if this philosophical naught has two aspects: people who consider themselves above everyone or simply people who ignore reality and live in social and mental isolation.
         Hypocrisy is ugly because it hides bad feelings and secrets. Hypocrisy is the ability that people use by people to retract what they said before or to deceive themselves. In this case, it becomes an usual behaviour.
       Furthermore, hypocrites are fascinating because they have theatricality, and seem like actors on stage. Hypocrisy is humble and performs affection for others. And it runs like a knife that it wasn’t used, yet.
       Hypocrite is an actor who doesn’t care about others and has ideas (usually it repeats others idea) that were copied from others without elaborate them. These ideas are supported by a form of logic and hypocrites become them into personal thoughts. I believe in hypocrites and to me, it holds a certain appeal. Hypocrites fascinate me and I can watch their performance as if I were a spectator.
         Hypocrite is the one who demonstrates to be a person who want to kill his opponent when he disagrees of his conviction. By the way, conviction is the perfect definition of hypocrites. Mainly when evidences can prove their mistakes but hypocrites will sustain their thoughts. Hypocrites often experience fear and they tend to dissimulate.
      This point is fascinating as well. Hypocrites flirt with fear and, at the same time, they feel fear and they experience fear while also fearing their own fear. Then, they hide it. They are actors and play what they aren’t to manipulate lies to try to make them true. They keep walking in their convictions and this is a trace within this web of fascination. The problem is they survive and reproduce many others hypocrites like themselves.

Photo from: Foto de Stephany Lorena na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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