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Mistakes and successes

        Nobody likes to make mistakes and everybody tries to decide what strategy will be successful in the final analysis. The dilemma is finding a balance between mistakes and successes as if they were impossible to occur.
        Mistakes can come from irresponsible attitudes or of a strategy planned for years that we get working and failed, or a bold step that seemed great only in our imagination. Ultimately, mistakes can be bad things that hurt us or others. And what about successes?
      When we talk about successes, we often imagine the same strategies and we don’t wonder if our strategy make success if we were simply fortunate to achieve our goals. Alternatively, we elaborate perfect strategies and add the mistakes of others in it and we will produce benefits for ourselves or others.
        When we sit in a chair and look upon a scenery in front of us, or if we are just watching tragedies on TV we don’t care about the consequences of our passive behaviour. In this situation, there aren’t mistakes or successes. In fact, we make mistakes when we don’t try to avoid happenings or we make successes when we recognize that we are unable to help.
        Mistakes and successes are subordinate to different points of view. From the perspective of people in need is great when they receive benefits. On the other hand, these people sometimes living in such conditions are due to past mistakes. Do we have to help them or not? Do we have a right to judge them?
         Furthermore, how many of us are dealing with past mistakes in life? These situations are not because we elected the wrong side, but we made choices.
        So, mistakes or successes are risks that we experience in life. Don’t take risks is the explanation of people who have never made mistakes. Because mistakes are consequences of a leap in the dark that we decide to execute. People who say that they have never made mistakes possibly have never experienced adventures because they chose to live in their comfort zones. In essence, if we live in our comfort zones and avoid mistakes it is worse than having never tried to pursue our wishes.
       There aren’t experiments in the world only based on mistakes or successes. In fact experiments are based on the fear of doing. To demonstrate our capacity to make things, experiments are evidences that our mistakes or successes are crucial in defining us.
         What are mistakes in a world of experiments?
       Our critiques are full of supposed mistakes or successes. We criticize things that we know and on the other hand, we are a significant and unknown X of our mistakes and successes. The question is how to balance our fears is confronting our mistakes and successes. One who doesn’t pursue goals cannot comprehend feelings like sadness and joy derived from making mistakes and achieving successes. Nobody is an adventurer if they are just sitting on a sofa in a room watching tragedies on TV. Nobody lives in the real world seeing heroes making mistakes and successes being built in their imagination.
       Our imagination is the best place to make mistakes and successes. We build up in our minds the possibilities of taking risks. The big mistake is to conceive in our imagination a perfect and possible world where there is no chance to make mistakes. For those who don’t wish to make mistakes, the real risk is achieving nothing.

Photo from: Foto de Miguel Bruna na Unsplash


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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