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Memories and stories

          It’s true that memories are the life stories that we experience. On the other hand, other people tell us their stories and they are also fragments to add to our own stories. If we pass on them, we are preserving the stories life of all people.
         What life stories would be if memories didn’t exist?
         For example, if we don’t have photos, and no registration of events on papers, how would our life stories be preserved? We would forget events and life would always be an event starting again. It’s like to live without generations living together and every generation stopped in time. One generation would finish at the same point where the new generation started. It’s like being reborn every day.
         We can imagine this as an exercise of fiction. The world finished and a new generation is enjoying the construction, knowledge, and everything, but there aren’t books of history.
         How would our social life be? And our affections? Will we deal with this new world following a manual of instructions? How would we learn? And about teachers?
         Yes, we would lose this feeling, this contact with other people, and would lose the confrontation with another opinion. It’s not enough to use knowledge without knowing the steps that others passed to reach their goals. People who tried new horizons, made mistakes, and finally they found ways where there wasn’t information in books, but in memories.
         YouTube, TikTok, and other apps are living memories spraying through the viral space. They are the modern memories. Photos lose their brightness, but information is in the clouds, wandering in this digital world, and we can access them when we want. They are manuals of construction and preserve small activities of humanity to keep them ready to teach and amuse people.
         It’s cool to see someone on the other side of the world explaining in another language how we can make a cake or bread, sometimes someone reveals expertise about something. Information flows and passes from hand to hand. Information is like our grandparents teaching us their arts and inventions.
        These are memories. They are small stories that will make up the mosaic of information about humanity. It’s like a magician who sees his magic being disseminated. His secrets are revealed to all people to make this world more fun.
       How good a world would be if people shared their discoveries and posted their life stories to build up a big memory of humanity.

Photo from:Foto de Raj Rana na Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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