Memories and frauds
History is a web of information throughout the times that links other small histories. When a man or a woman dies they take with them their memories. After that their knowledge is lost even if they were wise or not. It’s like a museum, a library that, simply, disappears, vanishes in the air and it doesn’t be possible to rebuild it. Their disappointments and triumphs are despised because they are old-fashion, outdate, but mistakes and successes are lessons.
There is silence in the old people’s eyes. They are older and more tired of seeing young people do the same things that they did before. They know that their advice will not be followed. The silence of their eyes reflects the warning, but they are afraid of critics and know that a few people will hear them.
Some people are brave to point out mistakes, and sometimes they smile if they guest that everything that was projected by others will be a disaster. And people don’t care about it. Not everyone has this knowledge because he doesn’t have life experience. Although some people have lived bad experiences, they haven’t learned anything and have made the same mistakes they try again, plenty of hope.
Traps work in the same way. New life actors and old audiences are those who lose opportunities to learn more with them.
There is a people’s arrogance to explore the world but they deny to learn with the older people’s knowledge. It is the more evident signal that something is going to the garbage. Making questions for our doubts is not an insult because it’s very important to seek the Historical truth in the books and trusted sources. But the people’s memories are skills and keys to dismantle old traps camouflaged in “news”.
If memories are despised we will make obvious things. New charms to disguise suspicious business are traps to seduce inexperienced people who are attracted by apparent news and gains.
Oppressors and memories are the same characters of life. They are redundant. The oppressors’ thoughts survive throughout generations and they manage the same fantasies to attract those who don’t want to be old-fashion or don’t seem like that. Memory is old and wise. The process of domination by powerful people is wise too because it is astute and its strategy is dividing the world. There aren’t traps in memories because they don’t lie to themselves. Therefore, they are the antidote for frauds.
But, it’s necessary to dominate people to compete with memories to renew old narratives to young people and to sell them like brand news products to old people.
No. New ideas aren’t bad and terrible because imagination is an important segment to create new things and ways of life. But if new ideas fit into old structures they will be the same. It’s necessary to “educate” people to prepare them for the “new” and at the same time to prevent people don’t build an imaginary world out of the box, and don’t look for a new way to live.
Old and memory fight an ancient fight. Both fight by the new. The first tries to seem a new way of thinking while the second keeps the lessons to avoid those old ideas reborn.
Despising memories is fighting against an old ill, without a vaccine.
Photo from: Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash
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