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Looking for truth

        If we look for the truth, we will be set free. Truth is everywhere or nowhere. Then, what is the truth at all? What kind of truth are we speaking about? What kind of truth is pointed out in the first phrase? The truth that will set us free, of course.
        We know the knowledge tree of Paradise and its apple as a symbol of desire. The most important fruit of the heavenly garden. Its access was forbidden by God. But, that is the question: Why did God warn Adam to avoid accessing the knowledge tree if curiosity is one of the mankind’s traits? If the main feature of humanity is knowing all things, and one of these things is knowledge, would this be a heaven paradox?
       Eve is guilty of the evil of humanity because she persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, and all women became responsible for our evil. Some women are enclosed behind windows and doors and they are always watched by men from many cultures. Is it possible our patriarchal society keeps women far from the world because they could have access to knowledge?
        Perhaps, there isn’t a heaven paradox though the God’s way to show men their weakness. Silently, God observes their behaviours while women decide about reality.
         By the way, the serpent gave Eve an apple. In this case, other woman went to the execution wall.
         We could ask another sweet question: Does the Eve’s evil existed because she ate the apple or why she used the knowledge for herself?
         Truth will set us free. Tough, there is a price for this freedom. In fact, someone convinced Eve to eat the apple. Of course, knowledge existed and someone alerted her about this. Knowledge is bad if the carrier is a little away from ethics and respect and freedom will be a bomb in the wrong people’s hands.
        Looking for truth is a powerful weapon against our fears. Curiosity is important to support us to read, criticize and consider every situation that we live to improve our values or to put our beliefs in check as well. Truth is seeking knowledge, all the time. To find the truth is necessary to know the carriers because sometimes they are disguised like a serpent.

Photo from: Photo by Tatum Bergen on Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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