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Living is fighting and fighting is living

        If we want to build up a future, we need to plan a way to get it and choose how to start our strategies. We can have an idea, or we can follow the steps of a winner and have thousands of ways to find our methods. At this point, we have the question: thousands of ways. We have a lot of possibilities but not a lot of opportunities. So, we have to think about how we can create opportunities to implement possibilities.
       There is a perception among us to insist on the same point of starting because we believe that there is only one way to deal with problems. The explanation for this behaviour can be to follow the same steps of someone that achieved his goal. So, why cannot we follow those steps?
        The difference between this winner and us is the opportunities but they belong to some people: visionaries and opportunists.
      In financial markets, there is a well-known phenomenon called herd effect. Suddenly, someone finds a way to earn money and everybody follows his steps. Of course, there will be losers because, in theory, they will arrive last. And they won’t be opportunists or visionaries.
      Maybe, the real opportunity is finding a way that nobody is looking at. That is the perspective of visionaries. He tries to find a door on a wall that nobody is seeing. Opportunists follow visionaries, and they are hidden in the shadows. They are people who are always seeking what others are doing and they aren’t looking for their own ways. Opportunists follow the steps of others.
      What’s the lesson? If we don’t change the situation around us we will return to the same point of starting: without anything. Living is looking beside us and not always looking ahead. Everybody is looking ahead. And few people are looking beside them because they don’t want to lose the details that forge our lives. Living is paying attention to the life movements and fighting is looking for new horizons and perspectives.
       If we fight to live, we have continuously to look for our experiences and not the experiences of others. We have to look for new directions to struggle against old challenges. The one who finds an exit door and reveals its existence to all people can be an opportunist who doesn’t create anything and he is only waiting for the herd effect to attract losers.
       Not always victories are victories.
      Living is not easy, but some people look for difficulties to justify their defeats. The magic point is choosing the right direction. Rebuild ourselves is the word. When we modify our perspectives and give up on following what others say or do, we change our directions and won’t return to the point of starting.

Photo from:  Foto de Photoholgic na Unsplash


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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