Life is not a bed of roses
Perfection is not always present behind a bouquet of flowers. Behind a bouquet of flowers can have good intentions or subtle and bad intentions. Perfection is not always surrounded by sincerity behind hugs and kisses. It is not always possible to express truth and transparency behind smiles. Naive faces can be covered by flowers but we have to think that there are thorns on flowers.
Bouquet of flowers disappears under the boots of dictators and arrogant people. People who believe they can hide and disguise their feelings covered by sweet smell of roses and lovely speeches.
Behind smiles, flowers, affections, and passionate words the eyes of psychopaths change. The eyes of melancholy lovers shed their tears to wet the small hell that burns in their souls.
Affections and flowers are subtle weapons of gentlemen for seducing someone. They are traps to delude ladies who dream about their Prince Charming.
Words are spoken in the midst of hard discussions, and they express angry or fear. However they are not as dangerous as fake words if someone wishes for an object of desire. Words hurt us because they are hidden thorns among leaves of life’s bouquet.
Life is not a bed of roses due to its encounters and departures, love and hate, and convergences and divergences. Dry flowers and loves need to water for ever. Everything in life is not a bed of roses because there is life to be experienced, and it’s so hard to live it. The soil sometimes is bad to bloom. Flowers need fertile and solid soil and a lot of water to help them to survive. Walking toward the future is our ingredient to finish our life adventure.
Life is not a bed of roses. The connection between flowers and life is the thorns that we find and we have to avoid them. The lover’s arrival is welcome and the bouquet of flowers that we hold is only a complement. If sweet words are not able to express everything that we want to say, the lover’s voice won’t leave us to feel loneliness. Lovers are the best perfume, and the best way to experience the reality.
If we see flowers arriving and behind them we heard our known and lovely voices, this bouquet of flowers will have more perfume and its thorns will be mere annoyances. Then, hard words will be forgotten.
The real bouquet of flowers arrives in moments of pain when friendly shoulders help us, and this help comes to support us. There is help in extended hands to us in our falls. Help is in the hands of those that help us and it seems like the world has stopped spinning.
Life is not a bed of roses, and flowers sometimes are disguises. Evil is always hidden behind a beautiful and elegant bouquet of flowers, and good doesn’t exude perfume because it hasn’t got colour and taste. The costume of good is the invisibility and only in bad moments we can see it. It is bigger than bouquets of flowers whatever how many flowers they have.
Photo from: Foto de Michael Marescia na Unsplash
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