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Is there a sin you regret?

        I’m sure if you go through your memories, there is a private space where you hide a sin. May be a secret that only you know or a secret shared with other people. As my grandmother used to say if a secret is shared with two people is ok but if it’s shared with three people the devil knows too.
        Have you turned unhappy because of this? Did it get etched in your soul or etched on your skin? Have you scared and it’s possible that it comes true, goes up the wall of your conscience to reach the bell of the church, and cries for the world to hear? Then, everybody will accuse you, and after that will your life turn into a disaster? And will you put your head between your legs to cry a lot?
        You can, in the future, sin again. Is this sin good for you or bad for you? Maybe you lived it as a pleasure, but would you like to forget it or would you like to keep it hidden? Or do you want to kill it?
        Or, why not? Maybe it was a beautiful moment that you lived and now you are proud even if nobody knows it. Do you smile when you remember it because you benefited someone? Are you sorry because you didn’t reveal it?
        By the way, what’s sin? Do we sin if we say things against the religion’s recommendations? But, against who? God? If he exists he knows everything and including our sins. Is God against you? Don’t you get to achieve your wishes because God or you are guilty?
        What kind of character is the sin? It’s stronger and able to become a ghost around you or it’s able to keep you alert and then sin can stop your projects in life, or isn’t it?
        Sin is similar to guilt. Guilt is a real character and sin is fiction, something that we create and figure out. Sins can take us out of hell but if we keep them hidden, it’s a secret. Then, we carry on only guilt. We all have sins and they can exist for the good or the bad. They aren’t real, they only live inside us.
        You cannot regret it because you have lived your life. And, I’m sure, you learned something from them. Sins can be your partners and guilt can be your next limit.

Photo from: Foto de Duminda Perera en Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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