I know we feel fear
When we read, hear, and talk to people who have different opinions about politics, and the varied situations that we live in, we feel fear I know. Some of these situations are arguments about social politics released by people who at first glance seem correct, in fact, they are unhuman, irritant, and cruel.
Especially, arguments used by fortunate people who gained fishes for years and didn’t need to go fishing for them. But they force others without the same social conditions to fish to achieve fortune, and second, for these fortunate people it’s enough to teach others to make the same.
These ideal conditions involve an organized family when parents raise it with responsibility, peace, and a good vibe for their sons. These things involve, of course, luck all the time.
Are we wrong?
The world runs with these ideas that forge free initiative, life lessons of great men, great entrepreneurs, and people who are successful in their lives. Are these guys having the best conditions to dictate the course of things?
What are success stories, such fantastic stories that people go to stages to speak to others, and teach us how we have to live?
If employees of big enterprises or small entrepreneurs have a lot of strategies to achieve the success, why don’t we try to follow the same steps, and then we won’t be anymore employees but bosses?
In fact, among employees of an enterprise and small entrepreneurs, one of them will achieve the board or success in their businesses. We can count hundreds or thousands who won’t achieve it. Simply, because there is only one chair on the top of the board in each enterprise and there are few entrepreneurs that find their market share. It’s not a question about good luck or bad luck, or stories counted as if they had perfect formulas to go to the top. Events that are impossible to copy them. If these lessons were true everybody would copy them and would celebrate their successes.
Maybe these stories, the true stories would be to learn why people didn’t achieve success and try to understand when they failed. People don’t bother about the reasons why someone was defeated. The consequence is that we cannot try the same way, and we have to find another one.
There is no advantage wasting our time reading about the successes of great men or women. We are only diffusing the course of these stories. We can learn more about big failures, great deceptions and celebrations far away from spotlights. Nobody is the owner of History, and nobody is great enough to determine the way that people have to follow or choose.
Then, the idea is to point out failures and compare them, individual or collective, and try to deduce them on our own. We cannot organize people by saying that there is only one will and a determined path.
People speak about Machiavel and his manual of scams when he tries to create an atmosphere of morality to teach a tyrant how to keep his kingdom. And the Social Contract, by Rosseau; a way to try to organize societies and turn them into an atmosphere for business. Or the Cartesian organization.
Todorov, in his book “The Conquest of America – the vision of others”, explains why Spanish soldiers arrived there and they found a civilization that believed life is not “what I want to be”, the way of life in Europe but people who believed the life is “what I have to be”, second their soothsayers. It was a society where human sacrifices happened but they suffered worst massacres caused by their conquerors.
Do we have to feel fear of speeches? I think not. Why can we feel fear of speeches saying that human nature is divided like the animal kingdom when there are eagles, ants, lions and wolves? A speech that forgets we are equals based on the first Social Contract: The Ten Commandments.
This society, especially organized, mathematically organized to put everyone in his place is disguised behind fearful speeches, these, in fact, are cowardly and diffuse speeches.
It’s so hard to abandon this fear! In the end, our lives were forged, for centuries, on knowledge based on rationality, pros and cons. Nowadays, the action spreads by enterprises inviting their employees to wear their shirts and work like a team. These owners of the truth feel fear that another disintegrating speech point that everybody can run their lives, and we will become equal.
Further, this new order can show these speeches are like Pirro’s victories and reduce them to the level of mediocrity and lies.
Photo from: Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash
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