How do we use our time?
We use our time in three ways: doing nothing; for any reason and without a goal.
There are those we call lazy or people who criticise other cultures for their views or based on their own cultures. It’s usually people criticizing aboriginal people who are living in another location or country or unknown societies. They experience their existence based on their own social concepts. They are nominated as lazy because their lifestyles don’t suit our modernity and supposed supremacy. Based on these concepts these strange people are doing nothing.
Others are living their lives for reaching different proposes. They lead their lives without a specific goal but they try to have a place under the sun. They organise their way of life forged in a concept of competition and how much money they can get. Their focus is how many things they can buy.
It’s usually our frustration before adversities. It’s like men rowing a boat in a disconnected reality in a place where they wouldn’t like to stay. They follow the crowd that sometimes looks for goals and sometimes doesn’t. And this crowd tries to combine their ambitions and wishes or sometimes doesn’t. They are living for nothing because their wishes are not exactly their real wishes because they only follow each other.
The third situation would be the remake of this when people are disconnected from their qualifications, and they will be the next ones who will destroy their futures. They live their lives in complete anguish. They have a lot of money and goods and they don’t find any sense to enjoy life.
We sail the lifeboat according to the flow. Events that attract us because these events attract crowds. And to follow this illogical crowd without a view of the world is like carrying on a cross throughout time, and it will be heavier and heavier to go on.
Nowadays, it is usual pursuing goals and looking for a good life and the best conditions for living in the future. For some people, there is a goal in the future that will be achieved, and finally, they will satisfy their wishes. Then, they won’t have any reason to fight for survival. That’s the history of our society: we fight to live our best life in the future and when we get it we are closer to the end.
Our life model is carrying us to this end. Nothing is more frustrating when we get older and the only good that we will have is the age. In the end, we imagine that we lived and experienced a lot of situations, and we will teach others. In fact, this question sounds to young people as a poor lifestyle. Of course, memories, in the end, are the unique goods that we will have. But it is unhuman and irrational when we compare different eras.
For those who didn’t do anything to make their life better, they cannot consider masters of anyone. The ones who fought against their lives and didn’t pursue their personal goals but others’ goals cannot be considered masters either.
Our histories cannot be copied and our histories cannot be parameters to anybody. There are those who think about their lives and analyse their pros and cons and consider their difficulties were part of their way of life. They have no regrets and their mistakes are consequences of situations that they experienced. Because they used the skills that they had and they learnt to fight with them. They abandoned useless things and tried to be the best as far as possible. Keeping the enthusiasm of youth is the best weapon for facing the future and doing good things.
Photo from: Foto de Andrik Langfield na Unsplash
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