Have you ever felt envy?
Is it possible negative things become positive? Are there ways to find positive points in bad situations? When we express our opinions or acts in many situations, we experience different perspectives depending on the way. We analyse things or we lead with them depending on circumstances. For our benefit or not.
In these days, people are flooded with a deluge of information from gurus, experts, and Youtubers to recommend solutions to personal problems. Consequently, they are able to crowd stadiums and theatres all over the world for discussing these presumed solutions.
They always have quotes, words, and strategies to create or become stupid and unusual nouns into keys to success. Great solutions that nobody revealed before because they were the secrets of riches and powerful people.
Some celebrities or celebrity candidates sometimes perform in their presentations original solutions that you have never thought to use in your life. By the way, solutions that you never thought or imagined existed. Then, these solutions weren’t important to you, were they? And now you don’t understand how did you survive without them so far?
There is an interesting technique in this strategy. You imagine some situation where we use a scorned and disdained word like envy. Envy is not a good thing. If we feel envy is because we want something that another person has. And this envy involves a feeling that we imagine that we are better than another one, and we deserve to have this thing.
Concluding, we need to transform this bad and negative word into a good and positive word.
Well, we insert this word, envy, within a concept accepted by all of society. Professional careers or religions, for instance. In the end, everybody wishes for a career or believes in a god that conducts our acts. Alternatively, everybody wants to be a member of a group, society, etc. In order to insert this word, envy, in these places we have to involve it in a positive vibe or new perspective. Usually, these gurus or influencers try to find a reference in some obscure Greek philosopher who wrote considerations about this word. Of course, in a positive way. These gurus or influencers can use an old story that they heard from someone as well, wheter it is true or not.
After that, they can search for a special word or expression to attract people. It would be an expression in English like Focus or another weird word to generate a good impact on people. Would you say that focusing on someone or copying his behaviour is really feeling envy? Maybe not, because you are trying to be a better person when you are copying a good person.
After that, this new way of thinking about envy is inserted within a concept, in general, professional careers or religions as I said. We can elaborate on connotations and attitudes to turn the word envy into a positive view.
Then, if this message reaches one million people who decide to follow someone, in a world with billions of inhabitants, this negative word will be positive for his mentor, of course, because he will sell books and audiences.
In the end, it isn’t difficult to disseminate this thought because there are people ready to accept new learnings. New learnings and strategies are skills that people are looking for to put them at an advantage over others. These mantras will be repeated and will cause an impact on people who will read about them and will reproduce them. These things are similar to traps to catch foolish people. Don’t you see people, on the Internet, who have a secret to tell you about riches and powerful people?
If we stay away from these thoughts will we be better people or, simply, will we be unconnected people? In the end, when these gurus are broadcasting these ideas about success stories, and we don’t believe in them, we have to wonder: Envy? Envy for whom?
Photo from: Foto de Daniyal Khalil na Unsplash
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