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Don’t give up to ask

       If we can ask anybody to answer our questions, why do we feel shy when we have questions? Perhaps our shyness is responsible for our doubts. Sometimes, we don’t admit that we don’t understand questions, or our vanity is an obstacle to overcome our ignorance. The famous Greek wise man was a wise man because he didn’t know anything, and based his life on asking questions about everything.
        We have a lot of questions about our projects and dreams because we feel ashamed to ask about them. The absence of questioning leads us to thoughtlessness and we become judges based on our convictions and prejudice. We figure out people before we listen to them. This is the most comfortable way of life because we don’t ask for it, and we don’t need to answer our questions.
        For example, if we see in the streets a young woman with a baby in her arms, asking for alms, our first thought is judging her. But if we question her about her situation, maybe her answers are not similar to our thoughts, and we would hear other reasons beyond our perfect life script.
       Questions take us to doubts, and they lead us in other directions. For example, if we exchange looks with our object of desire beside us and we try to get closer to him but our shyness stops us, we won’t know if he or she would be the love of our life. Adventurers are different because they get closer to him, and they can hear a negative or a positive answer. In short, for them, life is always a big surprise. Their chances are fifty-fifty. Then, who is the best in this case? The adventurous guy or the shy guy.
      The action of asking is for the strongest and curious people, or for conquerors. No question the world is not for dreamers, nor the shy, and nor losers who keep their questions inside of themselves. Conquerors wonder if it’s possible to reach their goals and not why they cannot go there. If imagination is capable of building worlds, only adventurers wonder how is it possible to achieve aims. If imagination creates questions to try to find paths that lead us to the expected end, this happens because we have questions. We are not frozen.
       If we ask questions about everything, we build wonderful stories about ourselves. Planning the future is a way of asking the universe if we are able to do it. Questions can be enough for some people, but they can be life’s ironies to others. Some people live through questions, and others prefer to stay in their comfort zones, waiting for the world going with the wind. Asking questions is nothing to be ashamed of, but some questions can hurt us, and some of them are freedom flags raised to fight against oppressors.
       There are two questions to understand the mystery of life. And, basically, we need to understand our humanity, and the reasons for our existence: From where do we come and where are we going to?

Photo from: Photo de Ludovic Migneault sur Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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