Texts in English

Between the truth and the faifth

         Faith is a kind of feeling when people believe in something or some kind of celestial being, although they had never heard his voice or had never seen it. Because faith is blind.
        The truth is different. We need to look for it. Truth is the encounter of feelings and some people feel these feelings on their skin and express them without shame. For others, these feelings are the worst interests hidden inside of them. Then we have two moments here: the choice between the truth and faith.
        If we use our faith to serve someone or some institution, this situation reveals a moment of weakness because we put our responsibilities in other hands, and we lose our lives to trade them to live in a comfort zone. When we try to solve our problems following radical speeches because they match our personal interests we are putting our faith in solutions that others offer to us. But we forget that some of these solutions involve submissions of people who are considered unpleasant because they are poor, black, and they haven’t got familiar structure, or they are mentally and physically disabled, or, simply, useless people for business.
        Faith is cowardice when we use it in our interests and benefits to fit our personal life. Then, some people use this motivation to follow solutions that are sold by opportunists who put these useless people apart from life. In some cases, these useless people decide, simply, to live their lives that way, like outsiders but this way of life bothers others. This conception of life involves genres, occupations, and other ways. Putting these radical speeches inside of hearts and minds is cowardice disguised as faith.
        The truth, by the way, represents the courage to be honest to defeat and it understands the world. The truth changes ways and fights for change and poses our faces before criticisms. If we decide to become a true person it is necessary to have the courage to change the world by ourselves. And not when some people adopt the dictators’ speeches, or conservative speeches only to keep the world the same way and there is no intention to change it. There is no truth when people look for a leader or a man or group to keep the world as it is. Normally, a kind of world that eliminates people who think in a different way to organize the world.
       The true human being lives apart from society but he doesn’t live alone. He is different because he tries to exhibit his qualities as a good man or woman and follows the law, and fights against injustice.
        Other guys need to have faith in someone because they need people who speak and spray their prejudices instead, while they stay hidden.
        The truth is the reality that sets us free and invites us to tackle our fears. The truth teaches us to feel empathy for our neighbours, and invites us to accept those who are different in a moment or in a place inside of us.
        Looking for the truth and setting us free is not having faith to save us but we have to consider our actions, our attitudes, our words, and our achievements. Which are true acts and acts came from faith? What did the Lord choose? Courage or cowardice?

Photo from: Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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