Texts in English

Between the cup and the lips

        As said Paladas from Alexandria: “There are a lot of things that happen between the cup and the lips”. When this thought came to my mind, my imagination connected to the poetic universe between the cup and the lips. I figured out a fine cup touching lips, not a fine cup coming from but a fine elegant glass like a sweet fetish, and inside of it a beverage, simply. A poison to kill someone or an action to shut up a mouth.
       This space can start a celebration of winners, a date, or some event inviting someone to start drinking. It can be a sad moment full of anguish and tragedy or a lament for a lost love, definitely. It can contain poison to end a whole life filled with disappointment with the world or himself. Beverages and cups belong to drunks and suicides or to elegant people, without restriction.
        This poetic space is huge, and at the same time is scary. Its image is only the draft of a cup and a mouth open to receive its liquid. They look like an inseparable couple ready to fight for space in the poetry. The mission of this cup is toasting and kissing the dry thirsty drunk’s mouth, and the social climber, or, simply, someone happy who isn’t wishing for anything else in life. He is sitting next to a fireplace, or on a porch, and leaves his imagination flying to naught.
       This cup served the Lord. His last lament to God occurred when He asked Him to keep the cup far away to try to prevent His death. It symbolized His attempt to fight against His death and died in name of humanity.
        Finally, there are a lot of things happening in this small space pressed against a cup and the lips. In this space, there is a perfect, poetic, and suitable melody.
       Poets drink poetry from this cup where they find inspiration to write. Writers need this cup to find their fate, happy or not. Powerful people punished a philosopher who is lost in the past to end his thoughts and questions with a cup of poison.
        Its liquid can be a flushed or sweet wine and finally, the inspiration comes to the lips and turns into stories through artists. And after that, silent lips turn on endless speaking.

Photo from: Foto de Jacalyn Beales en Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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