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Believe it or not

      Nowadays, a lot of information cross our minds, coming from newspapers, social media, books that we read and subjects people talk about, including their contradictions and different points of view. Then, I have a question: do we have to keep our beliefs up? And if we believe, should we believe in something or in someone?
        Often, believing is an act of faith. Believing is avoiding that our faith can be manipulated by strange people or institutions. It’s really hard to make a choice between our own project and the others’ to fit what we wish for a better world for everybody or ourselves, even so it’s important to live our lives like an adventure.
       It’s so hard to believe in real life and at the same time it is so easy to believe in a superior being, beyond our understanding, lord of our hopes and beliefs. Future gives us the unknown. Then, if we cannot imagine it exactly, we will live insecurely. Is only believing in something capable of taking us ahead? Otherwise, if we are unbelievers will we have an insecure future? Therefore, we look at the past with a romantic view because it’s a way to keep our problems away.
        We can ask, do we really believe in something or someone? Or, must we believe in something because we are in need? Do you need any object as a symbol to believe in? Or should you live every day without worrying about the future?
         Why do we believe?
        We believe in something because we are living in a bad moment, we are not happy. We desire to feel well right now to live a better present in the future.
        We believe and have faith in something because there isn’t an explanation. We still believe in something because we feel the power inside us. We believe in a superior being because we need someone behind us, more powerful and capable to help us.
If we hear the news about uncontrolled institutions all over the world and we are disappointed with the others, how will we believe in someone or in something?
       The question, of course is, why do we leave our beliefs in the hands of wrong things? Why do we put our beliefs in lies? We believe in bankrupted institutions and people as well, or we are so unprotected and misinformed that it is more comfortable to believe in an institution or in people instead of fighting for us.
        Believing is always important and necessary. Without this credit in the future our present will be miserable.
       There is no evil that lasts forever and goodness that does not vanish in the air. This quote is a way of saying that our belief in something is to stand up on the side of a roadway waiting for the storm to be over. Believing is making things happen to give a new course to our life and not to let others manage our thoughts.
       Believing is managing our life, however, good perspectives can be on the horizon that we see far away, therefore we have to do our tasks right now to achieve them. Believing is to have things in accord to our time, in accord to the time of walking because the credit in the future is mud and patience turns it dry and strong.

Photo from: Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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