Back to cosiness
Cosiness is arriving somewhere. Maybe when we arrive at the door of the house and get closer to our lover or beloved parents. Cosiness is the hidden prayer that comforts the soul. It’s speaking slowly with ourselves in the silence of a room. It’s to be able to hear the words that can throw us up to the sky and someone there, that we believe to exist, will receive them, and they will come true. Because we mustn’t look for God in difficult times but in happy moments when we receive our desired object.
Cosiness is present when hands meet or they are waving to us when we are recognized in the middle of the crowd. When we see a familiar face smiling at us or we see the passion of our life getting off a bus or a plane coming from distant places. Cosiness is in the hugs, in the smiles, and in the funny moments surrounded by people we love.
It’s fantastic when we are going back home to find our cosiness because it seems like that place has never abandoned us. Cosiness can be an image or a landscape we keep in our minds for a long time. It can be a smell of a flower in a garden where we met our first love. It’s in the remembrances of a kiss and in our good moments or in a place where we recover our power after the storms of life.
Everybody has their cosiness. It comes from naught when the night covers the day and we snuggled up on our pillows and figure out things that we could have done in the past. Cosiness is in our cry when we think of the injustices of life and we cannot do anything about them. But if we want a better world this wish is the evidence that we want to improve it, and our cosiness means that there is kindness inside us.
At these moments we demonstrate to ourselves that the world mustn’t be like that. When we compare our lives to other lives.
At these moments we snuggle up to God.
Because if we imagine the world cannot be full of injustice, hate, and disaffection, then we are living apart from it. When we live in an impossible world full of people disagreeing all the time and pursuing ambitious goals we cannot understand it. If we understand these moments are unbelievable and we get worried, our soul, maybe, keeps our memories intact to recover the idea of fraternity.
If we understand this world and its injustice as abnormal behaviour it’s because we lived in the past and we knew a perfect world. If we compare our reality to another reality living in our imagination it is because we will come home someday, and we will be closer to God, our cosiness.
Photo from: Foto de Vadim Babenko en Unsplash
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