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And if the new arrives?

        You go into a space that you’ve never seen before or you try to change the colour on the wall after the comfortable white colour was there. Can you imagine it? Or you move on from your spa, city or country to another place! The new is like going into a forest where you’ve never been. But, the new may be, is also walking on the sands of a desert beach, where only your feet can identify the human presence. Or it’s where your glance looks for danger that you can realize or when you buy a new gadget, and you need to read its manual, and it surprises you with its extreme capacity. Finally, if you go into the clear water of a river and feel the calm of a translucent water.
         The new scares us because it is an unknown frontier or not old, nor usual, and nor comfortable.
         The new also exists when our minds open and new experiences appear. They are the labyrinths of our bodies to notice new smells, new tastes, and excitement.
         When we are trying the new we are learning. This experience is similar to learning the alphabet from other worlds.
        Then, the new is the humanity’s project. Major social changes exist for our life experiences. If the new is confusing it’s why the new exists in the simple things, and we don’t notice them. Its existence scares us, and we want to go back to our comfortable places; the old, the very, very old. Can you imagine living in new horizons without a chance to come back? It’s as if we lived on another planet and we have to build it, and there is no chance to go back to our blue Earth.
         Societies’ transformations are like that. At first, they feel confusing, they are involved in troubles, and experiments but they are filled with hope. People who keep in their minds clichés about politically correct behaviour and live in comfortable places feel safest, and they will be losers in new worlds because in the old world they are in charge. They are afraid to change the world and they are afraid to lose power because they cannot lead others, then they scare them to keep leading.
         Scared people are the powerful people, and it doesn’t matter if their power comes from their goods, power of guns, or words. In this case, the unique weapon is the lie, the boasting and they try to keep people alert to contaminate everything. This logic is perfect when someone is rich and keeps people fighting each other to reach wealth. The question is: From whom this future rich will take away his fortune? He will take from his equal and never from the richer people than him. And then we raise more scared people or people who believe in lies.
        Because of this, societies seem confusing if they try to change. New paths are virginal, original, and lands we have never seen before. And, to avoid people reaching progress is necessary to sabotage them; first with lies, and after that with force.
         The presence of ashes doesn’t refuse the possibility the fire returns.

Photo from: Foto de Casey Horner en Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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