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        There are many types of adversities in life, and they play a role in boosting our maturity. Some of adversities are huge, undesirable and feel impossible to face, and others are beyond our ability to respond to or are overestimated by us.
        Adversities are like blackouts that paralyse us appearing like clouds fraught with danger and uncertainty. They surprise us, like traps set by time or unpredictable circumstances, in moments catching in moments we least expect. Adversities may look like plagues, bad news, romantic or professional disappointments.
       They are events that reveal our limits, putting our abilities and ambitions under scrutiny. They act as warnings and obstructions, blocking our chances in life, and making us imagine that victories feel so close yet remain out of reach. Adversities may come from bad or irresponsible choices we make, leaving us to do with their consequences. We tend to minimize adversities as curses, perhaps that’s why we attribute our failures to them, choosing instead to continue living as if nothing had happened.
       Certainly, the reality is not like that. However, we cannot control events, adversities are life lessons. We may often accept that adversities are due to social conditions, especially for those who live in need. However, it’s not always possible to align socio-economic factors with other events, such as diseases and uncontrollable incidents like natural disasters.
       Adversities may arise from social conditions, but we must also consider people’s greed, and view it within this context of exceeding limits. Adversities may be untimely conclusions about events, or irrational perceptions of them. If adversities seem like blackouts, we need to switch on the light of knowledge to understand and learn how we can handle them.
       If we experience romantic disappointments, we can use this status quo to move ourselves forward and understand that life goes on, and our ex should no longer disturb our lives. Our life and peace of mind are the most important things we have.
       On the other hand, in a professional environment, competition is an important component of our routine. In this context, adversities are not exactly obstacles to overcome. Professional adversities may come from bad luck, or the fact that our moment didn’t arrive yet. In short, adversities may be unfortunate obstacles, like stones in our path, which we simply stumble over. We cannot forget that the journey is still waiting for us.
      To keep our journey running, it is necessary to access the light within the darkness. Lifting our heads is the greatest lesson for overcoming adversities that immobilize us. This attitude is a blessing in itself. Happy are those who continue their journey, recognizing obstacles as natural parts of life. Even though adversities may let us down, we can lift our eyes to reach the end of the journey. This action is the true light against adversities. We need to switch this light on and stop questioning why we don’t get to see it.

Photo from: Foto de Shakib Uzzaman na Unsplash


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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