Texts in English

A street for a woman

         I went to work in a city and after my arriving at the hotel I decided to know it because I had time to spend. I went through the streets and observed people who walked down. Then, I saw a skirt flowing like a fairy, involved by perfume, passed me, and a woman caught my attention.
         I thought: people say those men who are fascinated by women cannot see a skirt flowing close to them and they think that they have to seduce it. And if this woman has a smile on his face, they imagine that this smile is for them. But, probably, on that day, that woman, that skirt went outdoors happy with herself. Maybe she is thinking about her success, happy because her hair is beautiful, perfect, and found a charming outfit to feel desired.           Or when she looked at the mirror, she was more beautiful than other days. Or, simply, she fired up a partner from her life because he disgusted her and didn’t touch the wished points of her body. Then she doesn’t bother to find another one more stupid and bored.
         I followed her for a long time while she looked at shop windows that reflected the sun and I got hidden behind these reflections afraid of being discovered by her. But I had suspicions that she wasn’t looking at clothes, she was trying to see me as well.
         It’s difficult to imagine a being who has inside her so many functions: the lover of other men and women… Is it possible? Ok. What woman leaves her home?: the lover, the girlfriend, the mother, the adventurer, the lonely, the one who is looking for a companion, female or not, to expose her dilemmas or an ear to listen to her. Or, simply, a skirt searching to solve her problems filled up emotions and illusions.
         And if she decides to be easier, deluding some ambitious lover who thinks to be a seducer, the one who tells his friends about his love skills, around a bar table, he won’t know, otherwise, who decides what is easier or not is the other side. Because seductive men think that female beings are someone fragile and naive.
         I have had doubts to approach her to say some sweet words that could design a smile on her face. But that skirt, involved on herself, went on its walking.
         For those who thinks to be a seductive lover and imagines his love battle will be over with tricks and fakes, after shy female looks, and figures out ways to win hearts and these hearts are ready and submissive to love them… Oh boy! Only in their thoughts!
         I was thinking these things, among people who crowded the street, and trying to find a strategy to approach her, my wished object disappeared. I lost my time in the middle of the crowd wondering if men and women cross their looks anywhere they think of different ways. Men trust in their supposed superiority, but there are only anxiety and anguish. Women with their supposed submissive looks can choose who they want. Ok, in general, it’s not true. The literature, for example, shows us romantic novels about men seducing women.
         After that, in reality, I thought that is better to be chosen among others and on the other hand it’s worst to be a hunter to try to win. Because it’s better to be seduced by a mouth, a look, a brightness of a diamond, and then gets delighted as a few an unknown and amazing body than to stay alone in a street like a loser.
         I looked for her in the middle of people and it wasn’t no longer possible to see her again. Then, I went walking back and looking into bars and shops, and my eyes found other eyes, surprised, looking at me as well. I kept wanting to find her
         The name of the city is not important. For me it was the city where I knew a special woman.

Photo from: Photo by Alena Plotnikova on Unsplash 


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Nilson Lattari

Nilson Lattari é carioca, escritor, graduado em Literatura pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e com especialização em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Gosta de escrever, principalmente, crônicas e artigos sobre comportamentos humanos, políticos ou sociais. É detentor de vários prêmios em Literatura

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