A lump in the throat
How can we remove a lump in our throat when someone, standing behind a bouquet of flowers wrapped in a silk bow, surprises and enchants our heart with a declaration of love?
How can parents remove a lump in their throat while watching their children walk down the aisle in a church, heading toward the altar to begin a new life? At that moment, maybe the parents’ minds replay scenes of their own lives, wishing that their children’s journey will be wonderful and happy. Parents know that living means learning and experiencing, and that life is not always filled with moments of success and happiness. On the other hand, how can parents remove a lump in their throat when they see their children climbing the stairs of a stage to receive a graduation certificate after years of study, sacrifice, and struggle? Their children are winners who have overcome challenging situations that were once seemed beyond their control. How many people have been paralysed by a lump in their throat after experiencing both exciting and heartbreaking moments?
How can we remove a lump in our throat while watching a disaster unfold, when we can utter is an “Oh!”, as if a thread of hope might somehow avert it?
How can we remove a lump in our throat as we watch a game that is nearing its end, and the referee calls a penalty in favour of our team, resulting in a goal? In that moment, our chest explodes with joy, and we embrace strangers around us as if we were old friends!
How can we remove a lump in the throat while watching a crowd emerge from countless streets, demanding justice and freedom? At last, these people decide to break the chains of time. A small spark ignites, and they believe that the change is possible. Their anguish, once filled with fear, bursts forth, and their words rise into the air as they begin to sing their national anthem, reclaiming the streets and their minds.
How can we remove a lump in the throat of a fisherman, lost at sea for so long, upon seeing land or a boat coming to rescue him? In that moment, only a long embrace with friends or saviours can untie the knot in his throat and finally, he will no longer be alone.
How can we remove a lump in our throat when we face the shadows of the streets and alleys, and silence itself seems to threaten us? How can someone remove this lump while searching for shelter, holding their breath, knowing the slightest noise might reveal their location?
How can we remove a lump in our throat when it becomes an obstacle, stifling the scream within us, the scream of everything we have been repressing?
We must understand that this lump in the throat cannot dictate our destiny. This fear, this enemy, cannot stop our souls from seeking spaces of freedom, where we can fight for the causes and ideals we believe in.
Photo from: Foto de Noah Buscher na Unsplash
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